Sunday, August 28, 2005
today 28 August 2005...
[*i'll always remember this day..*]
hmmmm..... not goin to blog much about wad happened..
anyway see u sometimes later..
provided there's no changes done to my schedule..
simply love today!
[*i'm ain't in love*]
♥ connie at 11:00 PM
Friday, August 26, 2005
another day went by... fri gone~
ok la. tdy at work not that tiring day passby v fast.. but kinda scary..
one customer kept on apologising to me.. he went to the cashier and paid for his items.. n also tt cashier go n tell him dunno wad.. make him blur wif the pricing.. and he took the tops back and said to me "YOU GAVE ME WRONG INFO" i was like "HUH?" wad cashier know? wonder who is the real promoter of gio leh.. at tt point of time.. i'm blur.. so i told my ic.. i told the customer $14 after 20% is $11.20 so how come he said i gave him wrong info???
so after he has paid for his item.. he walked to me.. *pengz* tryin to confront me? and he said to me "so sorry, its not ur fault..i wasn't angry wif u..*blah blah blah...sorry.." i'm shocked la.. so i said "oh..its alrite.. they[cahsier] r here temporary they dunno much".. and he walked off le.. *phew* wonder how many sorry he said.. haha..
pls pls let tmr be a nice ncie day at work for me~ tmr 12-9.30.. so it might be a long day..heex
kor kor gonna come home tmr!!! hehehe
♥ connie at 11:57 PM
Thursday, August 25, 2005
bOoO~ the wk is ending soon... so fast.. exams coming le.. wOOo~ scary! heex..
haha.. tdy the entrepreneurship tutor called @ ard 3.15pm like tt sayin he will be late cos he gt meeting.. so.. we waited.. frm til 4pm.. buthe didnt appear.. wait til sianz le.. so we r deciding whether to leave or not.. and yupz.. we decided to go off.. we waited for the lift.. and when the door opens.. its our tutor! we were all shocked!!! hahaha.. but he dun recognise us.. so we quickly run into the lift hahahaa... omg.. felt so naughty... hehehe... well there wont be any of his lessons until wk15 for the presentation.. *poor old man..* he emailed our leader wad we r suppose to do for the ica3.. n in the email he stated we got common test... eh.. but we got no test leh.. wonder where/who he gt the info frm.. anyway nvm.. now mus faster clear other projects too.. no time le.. *panick*
leen & ger they r crazy over WILLY WONKA from charlie and the chocolate factory!! hahaha.. they kept on singing the song "willy wonka.. willy wonka....." wonka's charisma is so powerful tt both of them r attracted to him.. haha..
mMMmMm... theres haagen dazs ice cream at home.. haha.. er jie told me she's at holland v.. so haagen dazs came to my mind.. eh i'm kinda glutton la.. haha.. so she got Mango ice cream & Chocolate Chocolate Chips... the mango is nice~ there's big chunks of mango fruit in it.. woOo mouth watering.. hahaha.. aaahh wad is wrong wif me.. kinda high? hyper active tonite.. hmm.. cannot be too active.. tmr gotta work full shift.. mus slp early.. kekeke..
ok ok.. stop here le.. ciaos!
♥ connie at 11:42 PM
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
FINALLY!! i went to watch CHARLIE & THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY wif leen & ger! haha.. wanting to watch it since its shown but always no time for it.. nice movie.. funny too.. seems like leen, ger & i r the one laughin out loud.. hehehe.. both of them mad de.. after watching the movie they've fallen for WILLY WONKA! hahaha.. *crazy crazy*
aaahh~ pay day coming.. hahaa.. long time nv c got money go into my bank acc.. everytime update my bk.. its money tt goes out more than money goes in.. wEeEEezZ~
aarrggh~ i'm getting more & more lazy each day.. haix~
alrite..nting much to blog abt.. nite! ciaos!
♥ connie at 11:16 PM
Sunday, August 21, 2005
yea! done wif my maths e-quiz.. gt 8/10.. haha ok la.. stil happy wif my result.. tmr got xml quiz too!! haix.. another thing to yeah abt is.. tmr lessons starts at 12noon!! 9-11am lab is optional to attend.. hehee..
mmm.. tdy work full shift so on my 1st break @ 2pm.. went to cuppage wif jenny to have lunch.. eh.. walked the shortcut by goin into alley bar.. woOOo.. walked in & saw the long bar.. the huge mirrow.. cool~ wonder when i'll go there? hahaha.. at tt time alley bar is not open for biz yet.. and so... during my 2nd break @ 5.20pm.. went to 7-11 to buy some drinks.. and tis time. alley bar is open for biz.. aawww~ musics playin awy.. ang moh sitting inside.. so nice.. *jealous.. haha.. pre rouge is always filled wif ang mohs.. day/nite.. i wanna go rouge!luks cool on the outside.. haha.. i only know it is v v dim n red inside there.. mmm... wait til my fren & i are free after exams ba.. haha than can enjoy le.. wooOo~
♥ connie at 11:41 PM
Saturday, August 20, 2005
aah..tired frm work.. everyday is a tiring day.. not much customers tdy.. so its even more tiring.. cos nthing to do.. almost gt suffocated by the indian coconut hair oil.. u may think i'm racist but the smell i cannnot tolerate.. so tried to hold my breath n smile smile walk awy to serve other customer..
at work.. saw keen.. tt fella always try to play afool telling me he wan to purchase ladies top.. haha think he bcome gu niang le.. after work at dhoby ghaut station saw xavier.. didnt called out for him.. n yes!!! i saw adeline!!! use to work wif her in oga & ogm!!! long time nv c her le... haha.. both of us kinda excited when we saw each other.. haha saw quite a number of pple tdy.. and lastly, after alighting at my hse station saw mr ler at mrt station smokin awy wif some new fella i nv see b4.. wooo saw 4 different person in a day.. the world is so small =P .. hopefull i dun c tt donkey.. hahaha.. wadever~
♥ connie at 11:53 PM
Friday, August 19, 2005
feels refreshed! haah jus had my shower.. hehehe...
aahh.. tdy kinda tired frm work.. work 11-1.30 at ogo.. n at 2.30-9.30 went to relief at ogp.. hmm.. at ogp i'm stationed at the atrium.. the main entrance!! wah.. stand there nthing to do.. do packin til all v neat oso dunno wad else i can do.. v lonely.. when the door opens the hot air blew at me.. piang.. damm warm.. sauna! haha..
well, gt a call frm the HR.. and the ladt told me.. i dun have your application form and everything.. i can't find your data.. hahaha.. bcos i resigned in the past mah.. n ah lian tot i'm on hold.. so things kinda not clear there.. guess i'm at fault too.. didnt tell i/c abt it.. anyway had filled up the application form.. got my bank bk, IC, o lvl cert. photocopied... heex.. all last min work de..
tmr work afternoon shift.. signning in at 1pm.. stil ok la.. workin at a later time..
hehe.. bro came home tdy.. n he got one big black bag wif lots of stuffs inside.. theres even his food he was given during his out field training.. haha.. all in packets de.. so cute.. hahaha.. crazy da jie said.. tmr mum wont be cookin dinner. cos she wans everyone at home to have a taste of bro life during his army training.. n she gonna wake everyone up at 5.30AM for exercise.. ahahhaa.. omg.. she's funny lor.. heex..
alrite la.. stop here le.. nitey!
♥ connie at 11:52 PM
Thursday, August 18, 2005
bOoO! tdy got presentation for entrepreneurship! i didn't do a good job la.. but my partner did well.. good job good job! dunno y tdy i so panicky *pengz* anyway its over dun need to worry abt the nxt presentation..
in formal wear for the whole day.. wore heels for the whole day.. haha.. my feets survived.. and during the nite lab.. there's nthing much to do.. cos dunno wad is the whole project abt lar... mouse in maze... haix~ hear his explanation oso dunno much things he talkin abt..
yeah! tmr is friday! but... got to work.. full shift somemore.. half day at ogo n half day at ogp.. haha.. suddenly pay day comes to my mind.. its almsot a wk awy! yeah.. gonna have $$$ in my acc le.. hehe.. *waiting* eh.. guess i think too far le..
oh.. bro can book out tmr afternoon!! wah.. almost a week++ never c him le.. cos he got out field traning.. will be able to c him only at nite when i'm home frm work thats provided he didn't go out wif frenz lor..
hmmm.. tats all for tdy.. ciaos!
[*millions of tots flying thru my head~*]
♥ connie at 11:55 PM
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
back here to blog.. hmmm i loves tdy.. cos i'm home b4 4pm.. v early! haha.. loves my home too much! so always luk fwd to go home after sch/work.. hehe..
actually nthing much to blog.. haix.. jus realised a big bruise on my leg! *faint* wonder what i knocked onto tt causes it.. heex.. clumpsy me~
so sianz.. tmr got make up lesson frm 6pm-9pm.. tt thurs nite programming lab cancelled so e make up is tmr.. haix~ no more early home like tdy.. heex.. mmm.. thurs got presentation for entrepreneurship! scare? cold feet? tongue tight? cold sweat? aye dunno la.. jus pray hard hard things goes smoothly ba..
not much to be said.. ciaos!
♥ connie at 10:20 PM
Saturday, August 13, 2005
damm pissed wif a staff frm other outlet! U SLUT! called to check stock.. so frm our inventory i told her the size she wanted we dun have it. so she said system reflected us got 7pcs.. so she said "ARE YOU SURE? DO U WAN SOMEONE TO TAKE OVER THE PHONE CALL?" asshole lar u! since i told u tt u dunno how to check other outlet meh!! system can be wrong at tmes too.. alrite.. nvm.. i REN!!! asked my i/c.. so she took sometimes to checked n found it in the replenishment carton.. so FOUND IT. i/c said she dunno how to add in the size meh!! kuku eye til nv add in for tdy stock... so i double comfirmed with her the item code n she stil ask me...
fuck lar... double confirm wif u item code alrdy stil ask me tis qnt.. r u brainless or wad?? if so afraid i make a mistake come down to c for urself lor.. furthermore b4 she hang up she asked
even if i tell u my big name.. u wont know who i am.. unless u r really tt free to come n check me out.. it shows how kaypo u r lor.. ur curiousity will landed urself to be scolded!
wadever i'm jus toO angry... maybe its my fault too.. well.. its up to individual to judge.. aarrgghh.. @#$%^&*!
get out of my way slut!
[don't mess with me, i can be nasty to great extent!]
♥ connie at 11:39 PM
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
wOOo few days din blog le.. here i am back to crap! haha.. tdy was late for networkin lab on PURPOSE!!! hahaa.. cos been waking up v early for the past few days.. so decided to be late for lab.. lessons starts at 8am.. but together wif ger we reached at 9.20am?? haha.. and leen is even later than us!! heex.. felt so naughty...
ytd national day.. everyone is either at home/padang watchin the parade or out to luk at the fireworks!!! but i'm workin.. well.. missed out the parade oso like tis.. makes no difference.. shoppion centres r really quiet.. not crowded at all.. so kinda bored at work la.. no customer to serve.. hehe
after work met leen, ger, kelly n syean for some drinks @ nydc.. ahh.. yea.. kinda go 'crazy' over there... took lots of pics.. yupz yupz.. here r all the pics we took..
There... our mudpie!!

we had tiramisu mudpie, irish cream mudpie and cookie monster mudpie!
and our drinks..

hmm.. our drinks taste sour, bitter.. heex.. weird combination
5 of us 'attacking' the mudpie...

individually enjoying the mudpie.. *yum yum*




and me..

happily at "work" squeezin their creative juices for some designing 'game'..hehe

we left tis mess behind.. kekeke..

♥ connie at 11:36 PM
Sunday, August 07, 2005
tiring day at work.. but kinda fun la.. heex.. ok at work nthing much to 'complain' abt. but when i got home from work i am so ANGRY!!!!!!! i hate pple touching my things.. disrupting my stuffs WITHOUT my permission! wa kao! damm it!!! i'm nt being petty!!! but even if i;m nt ard wan to touch or use my things place it back to its original place lor.. alrite tis is wad happened..
my cousins came my hse tis afternoon.. wad did they do? they make my blood boils... i cant find my other pair of glasses which i usually leave it on my table! and damm it! found it on the floor!!! gggrrrr!! my pc table area filled with LITTERS! my pc was not shut down properly.. my windows stuffs were messed up.. my mouse & keyboard is oily!! *yucks! main switch was not off! my adaptor for the home wireless thingy wasnt workin!!! connection gt problem and i have to fixed it! when i play my songs.. the speaker BLAST VERY LOUD! damm it.. r they deaf? my monitor screen gt finger prints here n there!!its OILY!! *eeee! i'm very VERY aNGRY!!
IT TOTALLY SUCKS! PISSED OFF! i simply hate to c tis kinda things when i'm home frm else where...aaaahhhhh!!!!!!!
♥ connie at 11:39 PM
Friday, August 05, 2005
back from work!! 1st day at WORK!!! hahaa... currently workin at OGO a.k.a urban warehouse..aaaahhhh.. tired~ ok la 1st day at work... maybe stil haven meet those crazy sales thingy yet..
hmm.. tmr gotta wake up b4 7.30am! cos gt shop meetin.. eh.. 2nd day of work gt meetin le.. haix.. so heng hor.. hehe.. for a period of time nv stand so long le.. so my leg v v tired.. and also.. long time nv wear cover toe shoe so ar.. painfuL!!! during my break time i went ot buy plaster n paste hahaha poor feets!!!
ok la.. dun blog le.. gonna slp early tdy.. catch up the sleeps tt i've lost~ heex
♥ connie at 11:47 PM
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
bOoO! i'm blogging again! eh.. went to kelly hse n studied maths for the up coming common test on tis friday!! ok some maths stuffs did went in.. but somehow in between my mind always switched off heex.. lazy brain! ytd ger n eileen came to my hse to 'study'... haha.. yea we studied ALOT wor~ heex
mmm.. left for home frm kely hse ard 9plus.. on my way home.. gt msg frm ler.. made him waited.. hmmm... 30mins at tpy? haha.. nvm.. didnt plan to meet him but he wan to wait than let him wait.. the journey frm tpy to hm takes only 15mins.. and he kept on talkin!!! hahahaha.. he is so talkative! ya.. ler is in his late 20s' but tis talks like early 20s'! *pengz* act young!!! *puke* haha.. wadever~
hmm.. gonna work on fri le.. but than stil haven get stuffs i need!! haha.. haven buy foundation!!! aarghh... gotta find a color tt is similar to my skin tone!! haix~.. haven buy my shoes.. cos my previous pair the colors fades off haix.. i like lip gloss of one brand.. but than lip gloss is nt suitable for me..
i read a bk on make-up.. haha.. ya i'm vain! the section on lips.. n mine is categorise under full-lips.. here it says.. full-lips r nt suitable for lip gloss.. it gives the lips a rather "swollen" luk.. ya quite true la.. so gotta use lipstick instead.. hehe.. so if u have thin lips.. use lip gloss.. so it will make ur lips luk fuller.
got myself a lipstick frm maybeline, water shine! loves the water shine range and its finally back!!! haha.. can throw awy my previous lipstick i gt frm maybeline too but its wet'n'wild.. tt is v DRYING!!! not moisturising at all!! *awful*
alrite.. time to stop yaking.. heex.. ciaos!
♥ connie at 11:30 PM
Monday, August 01, 2005
bah! here i am.. mmm.. its common test wk.. n tdy is the 1st paper.. network technology.. the paper ok la.. i think can pass.. but dunno good or lousy grade.. stil gt one more mathematics paper to go on friday... and friday after the paper gotta go to work! yupz.. 1sy day at work after abt 5mths of break frm work... haha.. slack enuf le.. time to 'work hard' heex..back to work!!! excited? scare? stress? haha dunno la.. jus feels thats after such a long break frm work.. suddenly go back to work again.. feels kinda weird.. eeeeww... weirdo! well, pray hard things goes on smoothly.. *pray pray~ heex..
tdy didnt went out wif them to celebrate syean bday.. mmm.. cos i've alrdy made plans for tdy.. well.. theres stil many chances we can go out again =)
da jie saw e ribena in the fridge.. and she asked me innocently "can i drink ribena?" hahaha.. of cos can la.. i buy things home it is for everyone to eat/drink mah... hehe.. enjoyed tdy =)
i've added background music to my blog too. its entitled "Sprited Away".. tts oso my phone ringtone.. haha.. loves the music..*awww* all thanks to ger who introduced the show to me.. heex.. well.. thats all for now.. take carez.. ciaos!
♥ connie at 10:54 PM