Tuesday, February 28, 2006
its early afternoon and i'm bloggin haha.. dunno wad to do... but gonna study later.. not now.. my brain cant function! also nt v sure what to study for the thur object oriented paper... haix...
got my pay!!!! woOOoo.. but cannot anyhow spend.. mus SAVE SAVE SAVE!!! wonder how much i can save ar.. my pay is so miserable... how to save ya... unless i strike lottery la.. haha but its impossible cos i DON'T play those kinda thing.. haix.. gonna spend less le... *sob sob*
hmm... e weather is VERY warm... melting la.. i jus hate the sun! thurs gonna go ogp to get my things!!! luk fwd to talk crap with them la.. hehe.. well well... gonna shut my mouth le.. ciao!
♥ connie at 3:56 PM
Monday, February 27, 2006
whats so great 'bout him?
can someone kindly hint?
he got me head over heels,
i loved him so i strongly feel.
he glanced over n caught my eyes,
my face felt burnt... was that shy?
i felt so lost in his eyes...
like there's no way out,i don't know why.
he read my heart from my eyes,
and sensed i'm melting away just like ice...
he smiled to me, but it seemed so sly,
was it something he wanna imply?
but the smile took me for a fly,
to the clouds of hapiness in the sky.
lurking behind could all be lies?
i couldn't see, 'cos love is blind.
haix.. finally left with ONE PAPER on THURS!!! and it will be holiday!... for a miserable of 2wks only.. than gonna go attachment le.. haix.. time flies..
good times r short!!! WTH!!! WHY!!!
gotta spend good times with frenz within the short short holiday!!! mus enjoy ar!
its been a very very long time since i spent wkend at home..
CRAZY!!! ahahaa.. didnt went out.. jus laze at home!! really sianz leh.. sleep..watch tv.. sleep.. always sleep la.. my bed is too tempting!!! hahahaa... haix~ i stil like to spend my wkend at work..
hmmm... a new member to the chua-family..
janessa chua..

well well.. khoo found her new love~ AH-NEH! gonna help her to make tis known to all cos not much pple know abt tis matter.. Khoo Xiao Jing Geraldine is faithfully in love with her ah-neh.. and she has decided to take her new hubby name.. Bala Krishna.. so in the future pls acknowledge her as
GERALDINE BALA KRISHNA. she loves that name alot!!!! so remember to call her Mrs Bala for short. Congratulation!! she also got new found hobby k.. and tt is dancing between coconuts trees with ONE AND ONLY ah-neh~ hehee..
alrite.. nt much to blabber le.. ciao!
♥ connie at 11:08 PM
Friday, February 24, 2006
its my last day at work tdy! :~(
okie..me workin F..so get to work with xueli 2/6 and joanne F too.. okie..time really pass very fast.. good times r always short term de.. okie we had lots of fun at work.. talk rot with joanne almost abt anything la.. we even talk abt sh*t!!!! can u imagine how far can our conversation go to??? and.... xueli.. she's mad la.. ya everytime at work mad de.. hehee.. she took almost every disney tops design n throw at me one after another.. cos i'm at the cashier giving angie to scan in those item codes tat we didnt give her.. at the cashier for nearing to 10mins.. i'm attacked by half a dozen of tops.. haix.. mus be able to catch the clothes when she throw at me.. but fun la.. haha..
tdy talked to shortie! think his eyes lookin at the wrong place la.. tis is wad he said..
he look at my top..which has the word ITS BLACK printed on: "connie, is it black? its black? no.. its not black"
and i think for awhile.. and i get wd he mean!!!
and i said him off" do not anyhow think"...anyway he's cheeky!!haha
=) no words from him tdy.. its all left un-said..
okie... gonna go jia you with my studies le.. ciao!
♥ connie at 11:57 PM
Thursday, February 23, 2006
i dunno wad to say la.. jus feel like typing i dunno wad to type.. hahaha..
okie..tdy went to ALOT of places...
went orchard to get royce chocolate..but out of stock!!!! *faint..
long time nv go suntec so..off to suntec... royce do have an outlet there too... and finally got my chocolate there!!! so walked ard stc.. than went to MSQ! it underwent renovation.. quite alot of varieties of shops.. bought nthing except chocolates! hehe..
and lastly.. went to ps.. at ps also dunno wad to get.. see too many things til blur le.. so dunno wad to get.. hehe..
haix..tmr last day at work le.. sad ar~ *sob sob* mus enjoy it tmr!!!!
thats all le.. jus got no idea wad can i talk abt..
*lips sealed*
♥ connie at 11:15 PM
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
change my lil' lil' welcome misses msg to...
i miss you a lil; a lil too much;
a lil too often; a lil too hard;
no matter what; no matter when;
i'm here to assure u...
a place in my heart.aawwe~... nice~.. hehe.. getting dreamy now and then...sh*t ar ahahaa..
went for work tdy... no studies.. wanna relax for the last day than piah maths... haix..
weird conversation happeens again...
ok.. 2 person.. big-S and small-S
was walkin down.. than saw Small-S walkin out.. saw him face to face with his new botak style.. its funny~!! so when i saw him i starts to laugh.. n he pointed to me.. instructin me to put my things in my locker.. scan card and go up no delaying of time.. and he added.. dont let let that Big-S sitting there disturb me.
big-s asked... "what he said is it true? i cannot disturb u?"
me.."wad for u listen to him?"
well.. the two Ss r siao ones...
so saw small-s again...
me:"y botak?"
him:"bcos of u"
me:"ahaha.. rubbish"
and again.. bump into big-s..
him:"tired tdy?"
me:"as usual but nvm.."
me:"cos its my 2nd last day..."
me:"goin for attachment soon.."
him:"ooh... but dun get attached ok *showed me the action of wearing a ring*"
okie..these pple r entertainin.. their nonsence r always weird.. hmmm.. gonna miss these pple too... *ponder~*
hmm.. yupz.. asked me...i miss him? yes.. no.. i dunno.. if i do miss tt small-s.. bloody hell wad kinda spell he put on me.. geez~ aahaha.. ok.. wadever it is.. wait n c ba.. =P
♥ connie at 11:59 PM
Monday, February 20, 2006
waaahh.. feel more n more sad.. yesh.. missy connie is sad.. never felt so sad before.. worst than anything.. wadever it is.. i am sad.
tdy at work yea.. fun!!! worked with joanne.. think we 2 like siao one.. dunno how to describe.. HAIX~~~~~~~ GONNA MISS YOU PEOPLE!
well...saw him tdy too.. and *gasped* shocked!!!! he suddenly went botak!!!! haha.. like turtle head! c alrdy i kept on laughtin..
hmm.. not much more to talk abt.. ciao!
[*u make me miss you*...eee..i hate it!!!]
♥ connie at 11:37 PM
Sunday, February 19, 2006
its almost a wk i nv blog le... haix~....
been busy with..
-late nite revisions..
-common tests..
and now finally got time to blog le...but dunno wad to blog actually... feels kinda sad cos nxt wk is my officially last wk at work le.. haix~ gonna miss my fun fuN FUN colleagues!! waaaAAAhhHH!!!! haix~.. there's smthing~ which i'm gonna miss more than anything..... haix haix haix~
my body is aching.. legs r giving way... arms r stiff til like dunno wad.. somehow feels kinda weird.... haix...
hmmm... tmr gotta work.. its my last 3days at work le.. gotta enjoy it!!! else... nxt time cant get to enjoy those kinda fun le..
ok.. enuf of my *sigh* ... gonna stop here le..
♥ connie at 11:03 PM
Monday, February 13, 2006
i am....
i am soOo...
i am soOOoOoo sad~
i really dunno how to say/describe it...
gonna miss SO MANY things~
♥ connie at 12:30 AM
Friday, February 10, 2006
bOoO! its jus 4days more to my common test paper.. think wont be bloggin for sometimes after tis blog ba.. hmmm.. went to kovan thai express with 'pretty bell', 'eat curry' and 'eat-roti' hehe.. nice names they have yea... had spicy spicy food! and *sniff sniff* wad the sound heard after digging on the food.. hehe.. here r e food we ate...

hmm... [top-left] eat roti had curry soft shell crab.. eat curry had phat thai..some kinda fried noodle w seafood?? [bottom-left]i had tom yam seafood.. hmm..addictive la.. hehe.and pretty bell had bangkok chicken rice..
hehe.. caught eat curry bio-ing e food..heeX

heres pretty bell n me..

hmm... ytd went shopping..and finally got my sandals..brown in color frm URS.. heex..
wad else wud i be shoppin for soon??maybe some formal clothes?? cos.. tis holiday wad i'm gonna be doin le.. wont be workin for giordano but startin my attachment!!!so ar.. mus c e company i'm attach to requires me to wear wad.. casual clothes than i no problem le.. haix.. gonna have attachment le.. hopefully, nthing tough or far frm my place la.. =P wadever~ look at things one step at a time..
got tis email.. that says YOUR CHILDHOOD DAYS.. okie.. its really nice memories~ these things happens during my pri sch days.. hehehe..
come come let me show u the 50 things..
Were you doing of tis thing(s)?
1. You grew up watching He-man, Transformers, Silver hawk and Mickey Mouse. Not to forget, Ninja turtles and Smurfs too.
2. You grew up brushing your teeth with a mug in
Primary school during recess time. You will squat by a drain with all your classmates beside you, and brush your teeth with a coloured mug. The teachers said you must brush each side10 times too
3. You know what's Bin(1) Fen(1) Ba (1) San(1) is all about.
4. You know what SBC stands for.
5. You were there when the first chinese serial, the Awakening was shown on TV.
6.Internet? What the hell is that? So you thought a decade or more ago.
7. You find your friends with pagers and handphone cool in Secondary school
8. SBS buses used to be non-airconditioned. The bus seats are made of wood and the cushion is red.! The big red bell gives a loud BEEEP! when pressed. There are colourful tickets for TIBS buses. The conductor will check for tickets by using a machine which punches a hole on the ticket.
9. Your favourite actor and actress is Huang Wenyong and Xiangyun. Next is Lee Nanxing and Zoe Tay and the Aiyoyo
10. You've probably read Young Generation magazine. You know who's Vinny the little vampire and Acai the constable.
11. You were there when they first introduced MRT here. You went for the first ride with your parents and you would kneel on the seat to see the scenery
12. Movie tickets used to cost only $3.50
13. Gals are fascinated by Strawberry Short Cake and Barbie Dolls.
14. You learn to laugh like The Count in Sesame Street.
15. You longed to buy tibits called Kaka(20 cents per pack) and Ding Dang(50 cents per box), that had a toy in it and it changes every week not forgetting the 15 cents animal crackers and
the ring pop, where the lollipop is the diamond on the ring.
16. You watched TV2(also known as Channel 10) cartoons because Channel 5 never had enough cartoons for you.
17. All that you know about Cantonese is from the Hong Kong serials you watched on TV2.
18.Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, The Three Investigators, Famous Five and Secret Seven are probably the thickest story ! books you ever thought you have read. Even SweetValley High and Malory Towers
19.Civics and Moral Education was Hao Gong Min
20. KFC used to be a high class restaurant that serve food in plates and let you use metal forks and knives
21. The most vulgar thing you said was asshole and idiot and THE MOST EXTREME WAS 'super white'...you just couldn't bring yourself to say the hokkien relative
22. Catching was the IN thing and twist the magic word
23. Your English workbooks was made of some damn poor quality paper that was smooth and yellow
24. CDIS was your best friend.
25. The only computer lessons in school involved funny pixellised characters in 16 colours walking
about trying to teach you maths.
26. Waterbottles were slinged around your neck and a must everywhere you go.
27. Boys loved to play soccer with small tennis balls in basketball court or play something that uses tennis ball to hit other players known as HUM TAM BOLA during recess /after school
28. Hopskotch, five stones, chateh and zero point were all the rage with the girls and boys too...
29. Science was fun with the balsam and the angsana
being most important plants of our lives.
30. Who can forget Ahmad, Bala, Sumei and John, eternalized in our minds from the textbooks. Even Mr. Wally.
31. You did stupid exercises like seal crawl and frog jumps
32. Every children's day and national day you either get pins or pens with 'Happy Children's Day 1993' or dumb files with National Day 1994
33. In Primary six you had to play buddy for the younger like big sister and brother
34. Chinese teachers were always old, boring and damn fierce looking
35. Your form teacher taught you maths, science and English
36. The worksheets were made of brown rough paper of poor quality.
37. You went to school in slippers and a raincoat when it rained, and you find a dry spot in the school to sit down, dry your feet, and wear your dry and warm socks and shoes.
38. Famous Chinese singers were only Jacky Cheung, Andy Lau, Aaron Kwok and Leon Lai
39. School dismissal time was normally around 1 pm
40. There would be spelling tests and mental sums to do almost everyday.
41. Your friends considered you lucky and rich if your parents gave you $3 or more for pocket money everyday.
42. During class gatherings, parents always tag along in case someone gets lost at Orchard
43. You freak out when the teacher tells you to line up according to height and hold hands with the corresponding boy or girl.
44. Handkerchiefs were a must for both genders
45. Collecting notebooks and all kinds of stationery was a popular thing.
46. Autograph books were loaded with Best Wishes & Forget Me and small poems like Bird fly high, hard to catch. Friend like you, hard to forget
47. Class monitors and prefects loved to say You talk somemore I write your name ah!
48. There were at least 40 people in one class.
49. Large, colourful schoolbags were carried.
50. You brought every single book to school, even though there was one thing called the timetable.
hehe.. okie.. rmb those things ma???
thats all
♥ connie at 10:51 PM
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
hmm.... one paper for common test is gone! wahh super super tired tdy. feelin so lethargic ar.. ahahaha.. khoo!!! sounds familiar ma?? heeex...
tdy.. kinda crazy la.. after productivity paper.. khoo meiling n i were outside e lect hall.. and dunno wad got onto khoo.. she was on my right.. meiling on my left.. khoo held my hands and looked at it.. than luk at my palm.. and suddenly!!!! she held my hands and touched meilings NEH!!!! OMG!!! i was shocked!!! it shocked meilng toO!! well well.. of cos meiling caught her la.. and she touched her back! ahaha.. khoo never learn her lessons... always try to act funny but ended up kena bullied.. serves her right lor.. ahahaha.. *bleahz*
isnt he lovely??

tis is the current sean!!! miss him so much!!!
pic i took on ch new yr..
with my sisters... my bro not sporting one.. wanted to take together le.. than he walked off.. aye..kns la.. hahaha..

with karuna.. he likes to take pics! he is cute! whoever he see.. he will "hey.hello" he even did tis to granny!!! hahaa.. cute eh..

a new bear to e family.. me.to.u teddy~
okie.. that all abt tdy..
♥ connie at 11:58 PM
Monday, February 06, 2006
woOO.. its again sometimes since i last blogged!!! okie.. recently always piah projects til v v v v v stress... think many brain cells r killed in one nite.. than hair has dropped MORE!!! wahh.. whenever i'm stress my hair will drop at a very horrible rate.. haix... than it will make me MORE stress cos hair loss leh... later bald ar.. wahaha.. think i'm thinkin into toOo deep le.. heeex.. okie now can at least relax slightly cos the internet prog. project is can say so call done le.. now mainly left with the sem project... hmm.. ok la.. can say done le ba..*hopefully* hehe..
wednesday got PRODUCTIVITY COMMON TEST!!!! haix... either tonite study some 1st than tmr continue.. else tmr i gonna kee siao.. piah the whole book.. thou its so called use common sense de.. but oso mus study at least min. abit ma.. tmr stil gotta work 2/8.30.. hmmm..tis time bring book go there study again.. hard workin eh.. ehehe..
retno has gone back to indonesia le.. shes my granny maid for over 10years!!! can u imagine it.. 10yrs workin in spore nv go back to indonesia!!! she's a v nice maid... over the 10 yrs here.. she learn to speaks chinese.. communicate with granny in teochew.. teach my cousins simple sch work stuffs.. a very very good maid.. but she wanna go back her country to marry? eh nt v sure.. and now granny has a new maid.. but than ar.. the my uncles said.. e new maid like siao siao de.. hahha.. cos my bro wanna fetch them home after dinner, and they asked her to sit behind the car boot. and she suddenly action v big.. and laught awy.. hmmm think need to observe her more ba..
well theres alot to blog abt on other things.. but.. nt goin to say it out..else many many qnts.. maany many thingy will be probe to me.. and i'll say "I DUNNO" .. thats the best phrase to use.. !!i dunno!!
okie.. nxt time when i gtmore time i'll upload pictures..dunno y tdy pics cant be uploaded.. probably my file size too big..hehe
♥ connie at 11:27 PM
Friday, February 03, 2006
its feb!! new mth!!! new post! sh*tty neew ar!
haix~ i need more time! ya.. now i always complain abt nt enuf time for tis nt enuf time for that.. yet i'm here to blog.. u know sometimes i mus say it out.. so will feel better!!!!
sem project report & program is due nxt wk(fri)..
productivity & creativity presentation and report oso due nxt wk(mon)..
internet prog. project is due nxt wk(mon)..
object oriented test is on nxt wk(mon)..
productivity & creativity common test on nxk wk(wed)..
HAIX!!!!!!!! so may things due nxt week!!!!!!!!!!!!! GIVE ME MORE TIME PLEASE!
not feeling well again... haix... wth!!! hopefully tmr recover ar.. dun wanna fall sick!!!!!!!
well... hmmm... felt tt guys whom i know r the SAME.. so DON't u dare to say i change ok. its you who do urself bad 1st, i am jus teaching you a lesson.. u can flirt,u can fling,u can two time with anyone you like. wadever shit u wanna do.. go ahead but not with ME! leave me out ok.. cos consequences are bad if you do tis to me.. i'll make u pay double for it! *u never know how evil a person can get*
gotta work m/5 tmr.. hmm.. chingay is on tmr and its directly in front of orchard point.. so... tmr gonna be a busy day at work?? gonna have lots of pple? huge crowd? hopefully gt crowd but consistence flow.. not messy crowd.. else at work will go crazy!!! somehow i am crazy already.. haix~
okie... gt lots of pics to upload but... i'm jus too lazy to post it.. i only feel like typin lor..
goonna go type my report le..
[...*i wish for nothing, but a truthful you*...]
♥ connie at 11:37 PM