Sunday, December 31, 2006
had family bbq @ my hse ytd! yeah.. v long since we had any bbq goin on. had another bbq pit man-made by bro.. haha.. he used 2 thicked aluminium foil containers as the pit and a few brick on e wooden table as the stand. well.. a v creative idea.. hehe.. had a stomach burning day.. hahaa.. opened e red wine and i tried it.. head almost burst.. it doesnt runs smooth down the throat!!!
so went to mixed vodka and i gotta try abit of everything.. hmm.. mixed vodka with orange juice.. vodka with craneberry.. and lastly vodka with lime cordial[do i spell it tt way?] well.. worst of all is LIME!!! it doesnt taste right. the lime cordial is weird!!! followed by craneberry which taste like cough mixture.. the passable one is orange. half glass of vodka with half glass of orange juice than will get a kick of it.. hehe... after all the drink.. its burning in my tummy.. yet nthing is shown on my face.. yeah.. blood circulation is bad. afterall had fun with lil niece n nephews too =D
2006 is coming to and end.. in abt 5mins time.. well no countdown.. no nites out.. being a good girl with my family. =P hmm..many things happened which i cant rmb much... refer to previous mths post for yr06..
my family..
well as usual.. nthing much only inconsistency of ah ma conditions.. kinda 'threatening' to everyone..
my friends..
nthing special de lor.. all so boring... HAHAHA.. kiddin lar. get to know new frenz in sch.. eg, val n peggy which we formed a happy family of 5 includin ger n kelly hehe.. and new clsmates..
at work.. those usual i met daily at work.. interesting pple thou..
my love..
i gt nthing nthing much to say abt tis.. itis is scary when it comes to year end.. some pple freaked me out.. and definately some pple does swt stuffs thats touching. but.. stil no chance for any outcome.. definately i'm the problem to it. prob into it too much.. if its meant to be, than its meant to be.
i jus wish for yr07 be smthing smooth.. grad.. get a job.... just get everything i want! haha.. and of cos runs smoothly and i'll be glad. that kinda abit too greedy huh.. hehe.. alrite.. gonna take a step and watch MY step.
♥ connie at 11:55 PM
Thursday, December 28, 2006
BOOO!!! Haha.. a sad cum happy day. Sad cos i cant go out due to the "beautiful" wet weather. v troublesome to be out when its raining cats n dogs. and smthing to announced... *drum rolls*
hahaa.. ok no big deal.. i'm happy for myself.. was late for the test too.. hehe.. while doin the test kinda buay tahan the guy sitting beside me. wear til v v smart.. so i tot he mus be someone who gonna pass for sure.. but he kept on lookin into my screen
-_- "hello..qnts r different de leh"
i'm kinda gan chiong when goin to end test, esp when i saw the guy beside me failed! hmmm.. so while waiting e the word pass appeared. WAHAHAHA laughing out loud inside me.. hehehe.. yar, evil. alrite... smsed da jie n er jie. waa they r evil say me kay-long so i pass -_- .. anyway met er jie for lunch.. and yes home alone all the way playin xbox.. watch tv.. online.. wanted to slp.. but.. gave it a missed cos i wanna play game!! hehee
weeez~ gonna have bbq on sat =D ..hmmm.. sunday.. eh.. countdown party?
dunno.. i jus know tt i finished network pjt alrdy hahaha.. time to start on MORE pjts =(
♥ connie at 11:51 PM
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
what a rainy day. stucked at home stare out of the window..
hopin to see drenched santa n reindeer.. -_- ok thats not funny i'm jus bored.. jus so sick n tired of pjts =(
it has past half an hr.. and i only blog tt few lines.. SAD AR!
♥ connie at 11:30 PM
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas!
laze tis day at home with my family. alrite.. e 4 of us loves to sit together in front of the tv set.. not watchin tv but crappin!!! irritate my bro cos he needs to go back to camp tmr morning hehehe.. and my bro say my hair gt antenna so he pulled it but nv pull out la!!! who dun have baby hair that stand ar -_-
Oh well.. as for ytd.. its rained on and off.. which was kinda sian.. but eventually found something to do.. with miserable frenz.. loads of bad for health stuffs.. and not forgetting loads n loads of nonsence! after sayin n hearing wad they comment n giving feedback on their point of view.. almost died when they say tt.. one after another...
*whats the pnt of being so nice? - nthing but disappointment..
*what do i get in return? - nthing but loads of shit..
*what do they understand? - nthing but less than 1/2 of a whole.
if qnted, answers are full of words... making it sounds so convincing..
in thise case is words speak louder than action never action speaks louder than words.
that shocked me.. frm crappy to some serious killing stuffs.. feels v sad to hear tt frm them... haiz u pple r out to make me depress!!!!!! aye, wad they said i've alrdy tot abt it b4... but jus ignore it cos.. how long can it last? not long.. just abit more and i'll be stepping out... *aarrrggghhh~* luckily they managed to change topic soon.. else i guess it be my most sad xmas eve...
anyway, afterall stil enjoyable =)
well well,
i love tis gift alot!
Angel. the difference on white n black base.. not v clear thou.. its an accessory.

chat with bro and yup.. feels that the challenge he risking for is dangerous. anyway, may luck be on his side =)
alrite.. stopped here.. jus no idea wad am i goin to do now and for the rest of the week... =(
♥ connie at 11:59 PM
Saturday, December 23, 2006
I HAD LOADS OF FUN WITH SEAN!!! haha.. alrite.. sean is always adorable =D
tdy its dunno wad festive on the chinese calendar.. so went temple to pray grandpa.. well.. been a v v long time since i last went to the there.. its the one along jalan tpy.. i dunno wads the temple name.. anyway i've never seen b4 both of my grandpa.. they left the world b4 i'm born.. only know how maternal grandpa looks like frm pic..
anyone.. remember what is POLLY POCKET? i was lookin for my stuffs in the cupboard.. and i saw my cupboard filled with loads of stuffs toys.. so i came across THIS!!! its my very very FIRST polly pocket when it created big hoo-haa in the market

its a restaurant!! hehhe..

amazed tt i stil keep it high up in my cupboard.. gt more.. but busy searchin for my stuffs.. as u can see.. the pic was taken on a ladder..
and also i found more..
its for santa..
santa can leave the present HERE!!!

HAAHAHAHA.. [just for fun]
hmmm.. alrite.. miss khoo met me at mac.. well well.. figuring out her camera mode.. fun leh.. let me show u..
Using multi-shots of 4..
Q1. How to eat fries?

Using frames..
Snakes do loves fries too..

GodQUEEN of Gambler..

end up declaring bankrupt..
Bala Greatest HitZ..

less than a handfull copies sold =((..
New blockbuster..

but its making a loss... =( sad eh
she stil has BETTER hands on with paper work.. as you can see..

hehe.. end my post here!
advance christmas to all in case i nv blog the day b4 or on xmas =D
♥ connie at 1:11 AM
Thursday, December 21, 2006
New Syndrome Diagnosed by Dr. Koh C.Q. Connie
HAHAH what a nonsence title i've uh!
I'm diagnosed with 3G-logy syndrome!
HAHAHa.. okaay i am surfing net for info on 3G applications.. read up alot of 3G stuffs til BLUR!!!! but hey hey 3G applications are all basic 4 stuffs the 3G TV.. internet access.. webcam n video call.. nthing much to say abt the applicaion.. so wadever i have write up.. kinda like different topic but stil 3G application is included. Hmm..worst stil the lect went on holiday.. how to know wad i am doin is right or wrong. Anyway, the term 3G is so so so so MUCH to read about!!!!! it can blow up my brain! *BOOMMB* =P haha..
Any clever one knows much more abt 3G applications? help me!!!
alrite enuf of my nonsence..
been slpin at 2plus daily.. arrgghh.. cant slp at nite.. so stay online and play games.. watch videos.. create new handphone theme for my phone!! its unique cos its gonna be use in MY phone ONLY!!!! hahaha.. yeah dun do pjt go and do such stuffs.. guess by tmr shud be able to cure the 3G syndrome of mine.. *hopefully*
omg.. xmas eve is jus few days awy.. i gt no plans.. cos... for the past yrs of xmas i've been workin n celeb xmas with colleagues!!! so kinda lost tis yr...
Else i am goin to rot.. hmm not really rot.... but kinda rotting.. eh wad am i talkin la!!
alrite ignore my nonsence.
hmmm.. ending my post here. not forgetting to bid
♥ connie at 11:42 PM
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
rain~ rain go awy~
its another rainy day! what i see is water here n there.. the laundry r stil WET.. the whole backyard is filled with clothes!! in a maze of clothes! =(
experiencing bad headach.. brain over worked.. brain attacked badly by wireless transmission brain is hurt =((
bro is back frm his training.. woOo..he came back lugging all dirty clothes! mum said wan to use dryer and dry all his clothes.. but i told her consequences are.. his clothes gonna SHRINK! his pants length gonna SHRINK! than mum forefeit the idea of using the dryer liao hehee... bro did purchase lots of wine at the duty free!!! okay.. ice-wine @ 2 for 90bucks.. red wine @ middle range price.. beer.. and also vodka @ 21bucks only!! v cheap.. alcohol heaven.. heheee
hope to see the SUN SHINNING BRIGHTLY tomorrow...
wanna go granny hse tmr too... so pls pls pls dun rain!!
nxt week is another big event week for me too.. aarrgghh.. i only wanna see the best.. will i? wish me luck mann!!!
♥ connie at 11:40 PM
Monday, December 18, 2006
more pictures!
finally changed my monitor!!! ahahaa lookin in to a 19" is really headach haahaha.. even resolutions r set to the highest.. everything is so small.. gonna get use to it.. anyway it rained the whole day.. so stayed home the whole day.. rotten alrdy those pics frm jolene on cousin wedding..come come let me post.. hmmm kinda huge file.. lazy to resize..
brides' flowers frm secret garden..

@ the church.. hmm cant rmb the name but i know its ard yck there..
the pageboy.. hmm kind dark..

my cousin..the bride n her dad.. marching to Canon in D music..

@tea reception..
da jie with mavis!

the bridesmaid..

ah gong n his grandchild

dun have much pic at the church.. and neither any pic with the bride.. hahaha.. gotta wait for the photos frm the photographer
so.. its dinner..
@ Traders Hotel..
cousins and our auntie!

jolene with mavis n jing jie..

look at the way he style de ok..

after dinner.. everyone is back home.. instead of goin back to our rm n rest.. we r snappin pics awy at the lobby hehe..
i looks so old =(
with da jie.. anyway. we pose off as twins for the whole day.. =P

another "twin" sisters.. hehe

and we ended the nite with our grp pic..

so does my post end here =)..
bro gonna be back frm brunei tmr!
♥ connie at 12:17 PM
Suppose to surt the net for flowers info.. but end up surfing on flowers gifts hehee... while doing so...
And i rmb smthing...
the phrase:
"My flower[lily] is becoming a morining glory"that was said at abt 6plus in the late evening! i lost my cool for the nite n burst out laughing cos.. how is it possible for a morning glory to bloom at that time??? silly enuf i add on..
"So thats a night glory?" ok i know its not funny.. its COLD!!!!!
entertaining enuf he replied...
"Yeah,thats right"alright. just being bo liao its either u laugh or just get lost n close the window.
that few songs i listened to reminds me of him.
ok.. gotta keep my poise.
*ahem* back to viewing of beautiful flower bouquet...hehe
♥ connie at 12:30 AM
Saturday, December 16, 2006
haix.. i'm bored.. just so lazy to start on pjts.. loads n loads of projects to do yet not in the mood to do yet. did some wallpaper stuffs for application just now.. now no mood to do liao.. oh well.. pjts aside.. its time for me to blabber blabber n blabber..
xmas coming so soon!!! who wanna buy me xmas present?
here is my wish...[right i am thick skin enough.. HAHAHAHA]
"Dear Santa, I would love to own a sony T10 camera. Thank you!"another reminder to Geraldine..
"Dear Geraldine, I know you want to buy me the armani watch but I don't need an expensive gift. Just a simple white seal stuff toy is sufficient. Thank you."HAHAHAHAA... suddenly i rmb.. at tis time near to xmas, in those america many kids wrote and post snail mails to SANTA CLAUS!!! i'm not sure if singapore has the same case too. hahahaa
nonsence lar!!! hehehhe
last sat at tis time.. i am in traders hotel happily enjoying myself on cousin wedding.. happy times are short so gotta cherish it. =) when i get the photos frm the weddin than i post.. gt a few pics frm jolene but lazy to post!! HAAHAHA
just checked my mail..
regarding the fwd mail i receive abt ATM card Pin number. Its confirm by the bank that is NOT TRUE by entering of reverse number. So remember its NOT TRUE!!!
whats more to say?? oh yesh tmr i am goin to be with lil'sean!!! for sometimes i nv see him liao.. weEez~ lukin fwd
alrite.. end tis bo liao post here.
♥ connie at 12:27 PM
Friday, December 15, 2006
common test is over!!! ok gotta piah project.. having term break now. wOot~
fall sick for the past 2days!! damm sway.. wanna study oso difficult.. the faulty nose kept drippin n drppin... the eyes kept tearing.. only tdy its getting better.. currently my nose is feelin sore.. my eyes r feelin swollen.. =((
went holland v for sushi tei! yeaahh... ordered take awy.. BUT the person pack wrongly.. she gave us another set of sushi!! while we only paid for 3sets!!! HAHAHAA.. was surprised with an additional set.. so gave it to bro.. and his staffs were aiming at it!! greedy pple~
yupz.. had shocking stuffs within a day.. jus sometimes back.. two dudes did the same stuffs.. ok.. almost died when i heard it.. for one.. i dun believe... but for the other.. i dunno.. i'm jus so so so shocked. my heart skipped a beat... they are nice pple.. its just a day thing so i cant conclude much with... convincing myself.. if its meant to be.. yes, we will meet again. jus kinda confused with those "happening" stuffs.
okiee... pen my tots to here for now.
♥ connie at 12:59 AM
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Changed my background song to.. Fallen..
Nice and meaningful song lyrics...
Lauren Wood---Fallen
I can't believe it, you're a dream comin' true.
I can't believe how I have fallen for you.
And I was not looking, was content to remain.
And it's ironic to be back in the game.
You are the one who's led me to the sun.
How could I know that I was lost without you...
And I want to tell you, you control my rain..
And you should know that you are life in my veins.
You are the one who's led me to the sun.
How could I know that I was lost without you...
I can't believe it, you're a dream comin' true.
I can't believe how I have fallen for you.
And I was not looking, was content to remain.
And it's erotic to be back in the game.
♥ connie at 4:38 PM
Monday, December 11, 2006
fri.. last min went to get my contact lenses.. learnt to wear and take it off within 15mins!! hehee.. EXPERT on my 1st trial huh!! hahaha.. well well gt 3pairs plus free solutions at only $45.. cheap eh~ well wont wear it tt often.. suppose to slp early on the nite.. BUT!! pack my stuffs til kinda late and only mange to slp at ard 0030h!!!! furthermore gotta wake up in the morning at 0600h!!
ytd was zoukout!!! but for me i was @ cousins mandy wedding.. it was a church wedding.. my nephew was the pageboy.. when he walked down the aisle.. so cute... he always bear it in mind walk slowly..but he really walk v slow and the photographer,simon had to signal to him walk faster... da jie n joanne was the bridesmaid... they too walked down the aisle but i didnt capture pics of them.. wait for the photos to be uploaded frm the photographer than i'll try to post online, if i manage to grab hold of it =D
didnt stay long at the church.. cos.. gotta send ah ma home with da jie..
we made our way down to e meet up with joanne n jolene..well well well.. in out rm we slack we snack while waiting for time to pass.. by 5.30pm i was ready.. made my way up n down to ballrm to our rm to the brides rm to bring things down and get things done. be e recptionist with joanne n jolene.. it was funny everytime when kenneth dad came with a stack of ang bao tryin v v hard to rmb which is whose.. conclusion: the rich w/o airs~... while sittin.. simon came with a plate of assorted nuts.. BUT we told him we like chips so.. he took a plate of chips.. instead of doin his job[take photos] he is serving us.. hahaha.. *guilty guilty* chit chat.. take photos.. but no pics came out nice in my hp! @#$%^
i guess most groom will get a taste of stout+egg?? kenneth n his best man had a taste of it.. e best man had one full mouth of it and went yucking awy.. funny expressions.. haha he was kinda high at e end of the dinner... so they pulled him to our rm and make him drink WATER.. my cousin is a nurse so she always ask to fill his cup one after another.. but he stil say he is goin to drink when he is back to the bridal rm.. cos e rest of their frens r in e bridal suite. his face was v v red then... gd blood circulation he had. hahaaaa.. whenever i drink at nite.. my face turns white.. seldom red.. hahahaa.. alchohol freezes my blood. =P *cold*
too much to say abt the wedding alrdy.. gonna be never ending.. if i continues..
a few pics...
at the church tea reception
kenneth & mandy~

pink roses~

the pageboy~

with jojo.. tats how we pass our time while waiting for guest to arrives...

nephews...gabriel and gerald.. they are IDENTICAL TWINS!!!!

at the hotel..
my nite view.. cant see anything.. cos its.. SWIMMING POOL!!!

i like tis alot.. mini bottle of gin..

awaitin for more pics within this month..
found smthing weak... which is not good!!! haiz... e 6th sense is rather accurate but.. everything is jus so neutral... it all depends on fate and destiny~
alrite.. its a long long post~
gonna get my brain back to the STUDY MODE!
WISH ME LUCK! hehee..
♥ connie at 12:57 AM
Thursday, December 07, 2006
A rather busy week. Not really busy with studies.. but can say partially busy with studies.. HAHAA *lamee* kinda more busy with wedding.. not my weddin! my cousins wedding.. getting last min things done.. lack of slps too!!! i need min. 8hrs of slps!!!! hahahaha
had comm skills interview.. overall a hilarious one.. with jokers frm the cls. last min went to shop for my dress.. aimed it at isetan.. didnt purchase it until da jie had a look at it..
had the dress bought! haha.. da jie said its the LAST PIECE!! *phew* hehe.. and i got it.. I LOVE MY DRESS!!! wear da jie de heels.. am gonna be V TALL tt nite.. use er jie de shawl.. i can't tahan COLDNESS!!! hahaha..overall spent on the dress only.. heee.. other day than post pics of it plus many many other pics i've.. but no time to upload to pc yet..
went to veerasamy rd after sch! to Papilio! had my hair straighten.. its a sponsored thingy i dun need to fork out a cent.. hehehe.. but i dun really like it thou its v v neat.. looks so dead to me lar.. i stil prefer my hair with some natural curls =( maybe nxt time shud try to PERM! WAHAHAHAHAA!!!!
sch was pretty fine.. except the long n draggy anthonys' lecture.. 2hrs straight with no break in between.. buay zi dong! suppose to get my lenses... BUT LAZY!!! hahaha wait for tme bah.. tmr gonna go get my lenses.. than.. pack stuffs get ready for saturday dinner.. come to think of it.. seems like i got alot of things to pack.. *gasped* hehe.. anyway, gonna be awy frm home for saturday too~
alrite.. gotta stop here 1st.. will update soon, earliest by SUNDAY! hehe.. after nxt week common test.. i am goin to have 2 weeks of HOLIDAY!!! but in actual.. its 2weeks of PIAH-ING PROJECTS. oooh blesss me.. hehee
ciaO! take care all...
♥ connie at 11:28 PM
Sunday, December 03, 2006
an ever so same same saturday =)
morning suppose to make my way down to veerasamy rd.. but gave it missed.. cleared the living rm instead.. yeah.. v v clear frm the 'mess'... heeh.. boss finally made the decision =P
my whole day meal was so out of time..had lunch almost at 4pm.. and dinner at 10plus haha.. everything got delayed..
well well.. went shoppin in the evening.. hmm.. aimed a few dresses alrdy.. but.. hmmm.. costly!!! haha.. tmr after confirming everything and if i am suppose to attend the dinner than die die oso mus go get either one of it =P hmmm.. hopefully dun need to attend.. else gonna be receptionist -_-.. i'll end up cam whoring with my partner or anyone i know hahahaha =P nice shoppin trip.. mum is the winner! she bought things frm head to toe.. in to out.. HAHAHAHA i got... nthing but i AIMED at anything hehhee..
be having bbq tmr!yeaahh... so long since family had any bbq.. in the past we use to have annual bbq or buffet over at my hse on different festive seasons... a nice time to catch up with relatives.
omg monday got comm skills de mock interview @ 8am.. kinda too early uh..anyway, am i suppose to prepare for anything?? wo bu zhi dao~ tmr than ask ard.. hehe its nite now.. no sch related stuffs, let me enjpy the nite =P
okie so muchie for now.. will update somedays later =D
♥ connie at 12:21 AM
Friday, December 01, 2006
its a silent friday nite. yes.. i felt that way.. very different.
tonite the sky looks so much darker. its pitch dark when i look out of the window.. the road is rather quiet too... few buses and bike sound were heard at interval.. the air is rather stiff.. causing my nose to itch.. not much wind~ hmmm... seems like its gonna be a long long nite.
the terrace houses opposite my hse r demolised.. so its a huge piece of empty field. lights ard here are always dim. people who lives here are few... only when the condo n apartments are ready than probably there wud be better lightings and definately more pple too.
hmm.. bro goin to brunei on a midnite flight. hehe.. da jie told me to tell him.. take care of himself and have fun in the jungle.. er jie told him to take care and enjoy... i jus told him BYE.. SEE U~ hahaha.. he be back in 2weeks.. and he be missing out cousins' weddin nxt sat.. hmm.. well maybe we can mms him our pic and "irritate" him.. heh =P
oh yes and its 1s of dec tdy.. its a new mth! and its almost a new yr approaching too.. time flies.. sometimes i hate dec.. sometimes i love dec.. for the past 2years i love the mth of dec. i met up with pple whom i lost touched with for a prolong period and met them by chance again. and yes X'MAS!!! for the past 2years smthing great + misery + confusion always happened. always the rojak feeling. i hope i wont have a feel of such thing again tis yr. to prevent such thing frm happening is.. STAY HOME 24/7 =P make plans make plans..
sch was pretty alrite.. gonna be having common test in 1 week time.. and 2weeks break!!! which doesnt affect e xmas =) smthing freaky gonna happen again. thats the date!!! aawwee hate tt feeling thou. but gonna brave thru it.. hehe..
tmr... dunno shud make my way over to veerasamy rd or not too. cant make up my mind. i wud highly appreciate if someone can acc me for tt bloody 4-hrs(max) else go home be totally out of way.. alrite lets see how tmr bah.. gonna come to a decision by tmr.
okayy, so so much to say now~
♥ connie at 11:33 PM