Wednesday, January 31, 2007
experienced the headach spell for the whole damm day... can't even study well for tdys infotainment paper... guess its the lack of slps... haix.. came home and mum said to me [in teochew]"FACE WHITE WHITE.. GREEN GREEN" i almost fainted when she said tt hahaha...
well... all projects are submitted.. only left with common test 2 more to go and 1 more exams in the coming next 2 weeks... race against time!! alright... tmr no lessson.. i suppose so.. moble computing shud be done with everything.. as for open src its confirm done! cleared tt module alrdy... currently giving myself a lil break from sch stuffs! hahaha... tmr maybe TRY to study abit for ICT open book test on fri.. and maybe accompany mum to wherever she wan to go provided my "head" is working well.. hmmm.. cant wait for fri.. cos seriously i need to do some shoppin 1st b4 dajie n er jie to set their "theme"!!! hehe.. *waitin*
hmm.. i just realised.. its Feb tmr!! woOoohoOo.. hehe..
whats more to update.. guess nothing much already.... some stuffs are meant to be blogged about while some are meant to be kept numb.. *ssSshHhh
♥ connie at 11:39 PM
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Saturday past me by jus like that =( boring~
hmmm java j2me midlet i gt no idea who and what you are. you are chunks and chunks of codes which i dun understand. Angel please save me lar. just get over with this and thats it! everything be over!
sometimes, i don't see any need being nice. dun need to think abt it jus trash e tots of it!!! whats the point of being nice, are you treated the same way in return? NO! its all f*cking attitudes. for the present it alrite.. but in the future show ur boss this kinda attitude. and see what you get in return. life is never easy in the work force dude. if i am straighfwd til that extent...whatever thats gonna be said... can screw tt brain of yours!!! AARRGGHH!!!
i dun sound good... i'm not in the good mood afterall.
dont ask me why jus for the sake of asking.
♥ connie at 11:55 PM
Week 15
Its the week end! At least a day for me to slp for MORE hours til the nxt day...
Well.. Everything is coming to an end. I mean studies lar.. Time flies~
Update for my week. Its always projects 2 more to go.. stare at monitor.. get fed up with project.. quizes... late nites.. aaarrrgghhh.. so f*ck up! jus wish smthing is more AUTOMATIC rather than MANUAL!!!! WAAAAA!!! feels so sway. chao sway! can pui chao nua -_-"
tdy has mobile comm network lab test... alrite.. it was.. hmmm ok.. config the AP w/o missing any steps BUT it die die oso dun wanna let me enter cisco de site!! bo bian asked lect -_- AND he asked me wad i do to it..of cos CONFIGURE LAR!!! after he run thru everything he can't find errors.. so he gotta find the problem tt cause e error while i sit n wait lo. in the end was granted additional FIVE mins.. its precious! tdy was also so called open src pjt submission.. hmmm.. partially here n there not completed.. but than if use with care.. than nthing wrong la.. monday gonna be qnted by benson on the coding n everythin. -_- bless me~
on wed n thurs had ICT equiz n mobile computing quiz.. ict has unlimited tries can do til get 100%.. as for mobile computin.. tts the coolest quiz i ever done before! its with section A: 20 True n False qnts.. section B: 10qnt fill in the blanks!!! the fill in the blanks has more than 1 blank for some qnt! 40mins test.. didnt know i took 37 mins to do section A cos its open book quiz..didnt study much hehee.. so left with 3mins for section B!! in the end stil manage to complete it by scribbling the answers =D hahahaa.. *phew*
ok.. guess so much for now.. cos eyes r getting swollen.. teary..n itchy again!!! BEDTIME!
♥ connie at 2:00 AM
Monday, January 22, 2007
Racing against time.
I feel stressful.. esp over sch stuffs. Put yourself in my shoe and think! So rojak in me.. with 'happening' stuffs going on in my life.. its terrible to have a lil bit of here n there all mixed up together. *sigh.. Thot tis new year gonna be perfect but.. Recently, every day.. every hour.. every minutes.. every seconds is like a time-bomb. Fear. When no news is heard, it is good news.But.. if there is news, there's fear of losing one whom i love.
Just feel so heavy in the head.
♥ connie at 11:00 PM
Sunday, January 21, 2007
alrite.. gonna blog abit 1st b4 settling my stuffs again. :~(
oh well almost 80% complete with php.. manage to delete the items off frm the database on the shoppin cart *phew* stil left with check-out tt part.. hopefully tt part wont be difficult to solve!!!!!! anyway.. edited mobile app de calculator almost done.. jus a bit of more checkin and it shud be considered done la... as for infotainment i duno how to make tt button visible and invisible when i dun need it
shudn't 3rd yr students life be made more easy and not so stressful? can't they jus be KIND.. one with a big big heart and take awy those super duper chimi-logy brain cells killing projects.. MORE tips for exams and common test.. well, if more tips is given i dun think lecturers pay will be deducted in anyway, and it doesnt mean "YOU ARE FIRED" isnt it great to have all students passing the papers rite? don't they want us students to pass with SUPER DUPER ULTIMATE results? if so, heed my advise! *grin*
hahahaha... alrite thats wad i feels lar.. =P
ok enuf of my blabbering.. time to work!
♥ connie at 11:10 PM
Saturday, January 20, 2007
help!!! stuck with php and now bloggin over at meiling hse.. :~( who knows php and sql coding to help me trouble shoot?
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'index=21' at line 1
that the error i have when i wan to delete stuffs over frm the database!!! no idea y!!! haiiizz... frm noon til now i am stuck with the same error =(
haix.. back to troublshoot le.. will update again soon!!!
♥ connie at 9:57 PM
Friday, January 19, 2007
Week 14 of sch...
BOOOOOOO!!! time for UPDATES! a week flew pass so quickly.. been a busy week with... projects... projects.. quizes and quizes.. infotainment application considered done! jus a 1% more to edit and viola~ currently gotta rush for open source and mobile app!! well tis week passed pretty fast and i cant rmb much tt came my way or wad i did lar.. but i do rmb on both thurs i met ET *gasped!* hahaha..
hmm.. on wed called mum after sch to check where she is.. who knows heard frm her tt my ah ma dun feel good in the morning.. haiz.. hopes she wont have any relasped again..
been getting bitten by the ugly mossie!! its poisonous!! its took me days to heal!!! gonna disinfect the comeputer area tmr.. kill them!!!! hehe..
nxt wk its gonna be a busy busy one!!!
heres my schedule..
-submission of mobile app project,
-show the v last bit of changes in infotainment pjt
common test for comm skills!!
alrite.. common test has started.. and gonna have the very 1st and last exam paper on 12th feb.. after which i am declared free!
mobile computing written quiz!!!
thou its open book i wonder how much answers i can find in the notes..
mobile comm network lab test!!!
submission of open source pjt!!
submission of infotainment pjt & GDD!!
a week that can kill me.. my brain cells.. my energy.. my SLEEPS!!!.. my everything!
currently taking a lil break frm pjt.. later gonna test n test everything again. aarrgghh!! i guess i need to employ someone to test it for me.. cos its difficult for me to spot error!! aarrgghh! gonna survive this toorture! hahaha =P
alrite... so much for my tots now..
hope everyone is doing well =)
♥ connie at 11:05 PM
Sunday, January 14, 2007
its a rainy cum cold cold sunday.. i cant even see the sun! where r u Mr. Sunny? Hehe...
well.. if u cant read my chinese post... over at ur IE browswer go to..
View -> Encoding -> More -> Unicode (UTF-8)
select tt and u can read chinese liao..
just cracked my brain.. hmm...
i am feeling happy! hahaa..
hahaha whatever!
♥ connie at 5:02 PM
Friday, January 12, 2007
Something different~
a lil different for this post. my com is pathetic enuf that dun read chinese. so went to download free trial 30days njstar communicator. hahah alrite let me try to blog in chinese =D enjoy 哈哈大笑 while reading..
星期五了,可以睡到很迟。 hahahaa... 懒惰。今天一直下很大的雨。早上要去学校时就下非常大的雨。老天 playing afool with me mann. 走到巴士车站我 already wet on my bottom half. anyway, lesson was rather 无聊。不会做 php 的 project. 要等到明天和朋友一起做。
这几天,头脑 要爆炸了。不知为什么。想太多了吧。。做梦也做太多了。过不久就要毕业了也就是失业 当中。天啊,掉钱 给 我吧!hahaha.. full of crapz!! 我的华语 很 powerful rite? 读了很有kick? hahahaha.. 不要吐血就好了。 recently 看到他,他很象变 矮了。我的天啊 [suppose to be oh my god], 你 在开玩笑吗? 他已经 是 average ht 不会很高 lo.. hahaha..
来了一个 ‘西门’ 先生。不过, i dun bother abt it.因为 我想他是路过 的人而已。有 fate 在见 吧。不去想太多,只会 make 我的命 [LIFE] miserable.
好了,我的 nonsence goota 停了,不然我不知道要说 什么。
再见了~oh my freaking god.. blogging in chinese is.. 要我的命。 its horrible! hahaha many unfamiliar words!! geez.. will try harder to improve chinese.. no reason y 讲华语. jus for fun...
♥ connie at 11:57 PM
Thursday, January 11, 2007
yeah.. tmr lesson at 12 =D
can slp kinda later.. but stil need my long hrs of slp..
cant concentrate much on projects so...
did smthing to photos again... alrite i need a break off frm those project stuffs too.. so here's my piece.. gotta thank the photographer who took such a pic... and creative juices runs in my mind to edit it til like this... =P

after taking a longer look at it.. kinda looks freaky to me..
hahaa.. what do u think?
the 'west door' opened and closed. wadever. i'm not bother abt it.
well.. nthing much to update abt =)
♥ connie at 11:47 PM
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Gonna blog b4 slping.. weekends are gone jus like that..lazing thru out...
aaahh infotainment project to be handed up by tis fri.. but stil incomplete!! dunno how to do that particular portion only!!! the rest shud be fine.. SHOULD BE la..
well well.. let the brain relax..tdy i nv touch on anything related to project!!! hahaha.. ok nxt week be busy rushing for mobile app and open src de thingy liao.. wooOOOo.. bless me. might fall sick anytime.. tdy sneeze n sneeze.. whenever i sneeze i said sh*t hahaa.. i hate to sneeze.. cos its a bad sign of flu!!! plus the tear eyes again!! haix..
complain complain n complain woman jus loves to complain. =)
i love this! they are so adorable. my nephew n niece..

guess i'll post a lil bit by bit of photos on each post.
stay tune~
♥ connie at 11:36 PM
Friday, January 05, 2007
wEe.. the wkend id there! happy. well sch is alrite.. slpy lects as usual.. had mobile comm network presentation tdy.. had a total of 11 slides... within 8-10mins.. meiling n i were done! cool rite!!!! each slides in less than a min.. this is the fastest, short and simple presetnation we ever had.. hehe..
nowadays rushing for projects.. yeah the stress is in! -_-"
awhile ago bro asked my sis n i whether we wan to eat anything.. he's goin to mac.. so i said fries! i jus wanna munch a few only... than he came home with a HUGE surprise for me! LARGE FRIES! i tot he wud buy small or medium so i can share with er jie.. well.. ends up munching on it while watch some drama.. hahaha tis shows my bro loves us! HAHAHAHAHAHAA.. ok enuf of nonsence =P
gt my cousin wedding photos n video.. its OMG! hahaha.. over 650 images.. and crazy video of us bargaining the hong bao.. file too large to upload n share... kinda like tis 'artistic' pic.. my hand. hmmm.. its edited... hahaa only some know the reason WHY...

btw the design of e box is NOT AVAILABLE in the market! hahaha... its special~... cousin is flying back to australia tonite... wonder when we'll see her again. =)
okay enuf of bloggin.. back to pjt..
♥ connie at 11:59 PM
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
I am feeling so sad and blue~!*sob*
dun ask me why :~(
♥ connie at 11:35 PM
Monday, January 01, 2007
January 2007!!!
Happy new year!
my 1st post for january 2007.. hehe.. nthing exciting but felt depressing when i woke up in the morning. cos tot of one more day than mus study liao. haix.. 2weeks of holiday pass so fast.. hmm i miss it thou. =( well anyway faster end sch stuffs n grad n get ass outta the sch HAHAHA.. ok gonna use less vulgar and not so nice words.. hehe
Its a great start for 2007 with me seein mr.charming HAHAHA.. too charming til i went to notice his complexion.. v good mann!!! i am so jealous.. hahaha..
went bugis with da jie.. bro and mum! hahaha yes.. bro drove there.. parkin sucks.. so many cars/pple.. went for ebt with da jie.. than shopped for awhile.. nthing nice caught my eyes... except for tt new range of dress hehe..feel like gettin it for new yr.. well well source ard 1st than make my decision b4 i regret like last year! hehe..
alrite smthing for u pple to do if u r bored.. and has loads of free time to spare..
Click on the link below the test.
Sex ID - Find how your mind worksso much for the new post for the new yr. =P
♥ connie at 11:29 PM