Monday, February 26, 2007
i went town with my kor kor!!!!! HAHAHA
made a last min decision.. went orchard!!! with my bro!! haha.. he wanted to buy shoe.. i need to order cake.. pathetic me.. have to order bday cake on my own.. well.. its not my money anyway! HAHAHA..
we drove to taka. hmmm.. i went to get my errands done n he went shoppin on his own.. after ordering e cake.. went to best denki and get the vacuum cleaner bag.. walked in and i felt so alien!!! cos.. there is not much pple shoppin.. but alot of sales asst so instead of wasting my time searchin high n low.. approached the sales person instead.. and within 5mins made my purchase... quick and easy! off to find my bro.. shoppin on weekday is great! nt much pple.. while waitin for bro to try his shoes.. i walked ard lookin at sneakers.. tops.. caps.. bags.. almost anything within my reach.. i've gt itchy hands!!! and off to home... see how fast we both shopped for our stuffs at a parkin cost of $2.10.
da jie n er jie like to say we both like rich ass kids drive go town and shop.. but we are not rich anyway.... on wkdays is ok la.. wkends of cos no way!!
at nite.. was on my way walkin home.. i looked up the sky!! i tends to do tt automatically at nite la.. there are stars.. or they arent stars jus some stones.. wadever they are.. they are twinkling & shinning in the sky!!! NICE!!! hehe..
sometimes i wonder...
i know a person very well.. and at times the person lied to me.. i knew its a lie but the person insist on its the truth. so.. to prevent any further qnt i'll jus take wadever 'truth' the person said. i am not sayin i'm gd at detecting a persons lie.. but.. the way.. the action.. the time and almost bits and pieces of here n there r pieces together.. i know the truth. so.. at times.. mini-test were conducted within myself but with e disappointing outcome i get.. i closed one eye.. can only wish for is an honest result the very nxt time.
hmm.. alrite..
*who wanna join me for shoppin tmr??? SMS ME!!!*
****Not Applicable to people who are not in my CONTACTS!!!****
♥ connie at 11:41 PM
my day...
bOOoOOO!! 2nd week of new yr cum my unemployment days has past... pretty fast eh... haiz~
jus helped mum with those burning of joss papers and etc... hmmm... was unpacking those things and da jie told me.. which ever car tt speed pass too fast... take the joss paper and chase after the car!! hahaha.. i told her i dunno the driver wud speed up or jam-brake! heheehe... a cabby by-pass a speed of i guess 20km/h.. super slow.. so i looked at the driver with an arm full of joss paper and settin it on fire... the driver quickly speed up!!! i set the joss paper on fire cos i wan to burn the rest which we have arrange mah.. dunno wad the driver thinkin lor.. HAHAHAHAA... walkin in and out of hse several times.. and i went to knocked onto e car!!! and a bruise developed on the left side of the left knee cap =( and i told da jie..
me:"jus now knocked onto ur mazda..
orh-cheh leh"
me: -_-"
nice sister i've.. she wanna sue me leh.. hahaa..
went granny hse and played with sean again! he came to my hse too... awwee~~ he played with er jie.. than er jie wants him to divert attention to da jie n me.. but we both fast enough to make sean stick to her.. hahahaa... before sean goes off.. he hugged all of us!! another niece of mine came to my hse too.. i asked her whether she likes sch or not she say "NO!!!" hahaha.. neither my other niece nor nephew told me they dislikes sch.. she's e 1st niece to tell me tis... guess she's too naughty in sch thats y!! hehe..
i've made order for nxt sat.. 45pple share.. hmmm the lesser pple i wanna invite it jus multiply to be more n more.. jus let it be.. i'm e last person to be 21 in my family.. jus afraid things might be too much or insufficient!!! hmm... well.. those whom i invited and i wish u come pls come.. those whom i invited for the sake of inviting yet i dun wish u to come.. pls dun come. make things easy for me pls.
tmr the caterer will confirm with my order.. did some calculation.. and i've exceeded my estimated budget by alot! hmmm... heart pain! hahaha..
bob called to asked me when i am celebrating so he can take off.. and he added on.. even if he will be fired bcos of the consecutive weekends off.. he rather loose the job and attend my bday. hahaha so touched by bro!!
hmm... i guess i've nothing much more to update alrdy..
♥ connie at 1:45 AM
Friday, February 23, 2007
omg i jus realised i invited almost 50 pple to my bday. relatives frm mums' n dads' side... including my frenz!!! its super shockin.. cos i only expect 30.. but mum say invite tis nv invite tt.. later tis n that sure say blah blah blah.. so i invited almost ALL! *pengz* hopefully all the relatives who confirm with me come!! cos some of them likes to put areoplane lar !#@%$
wonder wad illness or how super super careless i am!! i have 1 huge bruise on my left knee... 6 bruises on my left leg!!! i didnt knocked onto anything leh.. i told er jie i looks like one who had a serious fall that causes so much bruises =(
was surfing the net and i came across tis.. pretty useful for interviews...
Job Search Tips
"Tell me your weaknesses…"
Craft an answer that gives your interviewer more reason to hire you.
Written by Goh Mei Yi - 6 December 2006 This must be the question all job applicants dread the most. If you think you're being clever by saying that you're a perfectionist who proofreads every report five times even with a looming deadline - well, you're not!
The interviewer has probably heard variations on the same theme from countless other job seekers; yours is no longer original or believable.
The secret to tackling this danger spot is to be honest about a weakness, but show that you have made it work to your advantage or are taking active steps to work on it.
Sometimes, interviewers ask this question just to see if you maintain your composure or panic.
Be honestHonesty is the best policy. If you do get the job, you never know if your boss will always remember something you said during the interview and hold you to it.
Admit a minor weakness that can be fixedAfter acknowledging your weakness, say that you're actively rectifying it. If the problem is time management, you could read a self-help book or invest in a diary or PDA to keep track of your work.
You could also list a trait that addresses a requirement in the job you're applying for. If you're applying for a post that requires accuracy, you could say you're very particular about grammar and will correct every spelling and punctuation error you come across. Your colleagues were offended at the beginning, but it saved someone from a legal dispute in one instance.
Keep mum about certain thingsWhile honesty is appreciated, don't wipe out your chances completely by admitting you're the weakest link in your current company. The key is not to disclose areas that make you look like a problem worker, such as being late for work, procrastination or stubbornness.
Practice saying itDon't be caught off-guard and be at a loss for words when are asked the question. Rehearse this interview scenario at home by saying your answer out loud in front of the mirror. Check your facial expression too. You want to appear sincere and not as if you're reciting a passage by heart.
Try a little humourThis last suggestion really depends on the situation and may not be always appropriate. Gauge the personality of the interviewer and the job in question before you try it. But if you do use it well, it will leave an impact.
Say you are after a job that emphasises creativity - you could try something along this line, "Premium, dark chocolate is my biggest weakness. When I see a box of it, my self-control weakens and I have to have some, never mind calories or nutrition." But after a laugh, give your REAL answer.
alright.. end of post.
♥ connie at 11:33 PM
Thursday, February 22, 2007
I been doing nthing but eat slp shop tv internet blog! OMG!!! if tt can earn me a living i dun mind doin tt for life hahahahahaha ok stop dreaming.. i am bo liao lar...
sean sean came to my hse tdy!!! haha he is cute!!! he always follow me... he dun need anyone to remind him how to address me... awwwee~~ lovely! b4 i left to meet my fren.. i locked the door n was goin to leave liao.. than sean sean tell me "I haven hug u leh" awwee~ *heart melt* anyway had a nice nice day with sean!
a lil introduction to smthing i had tdy...
Apple Crumble frm swensen...
its apple + ice cream + caramel + crust + more apples slices in the crust...
the apple taste alrite NOT SOUR at all with those caramel mixed together. But this person whom i went to ate tt with said "the apple is SOUR!!" *pengz* so i tot its green apple tts y sour la.. but when i eat it... its not even sour lor..even if its green apple i oso dun taste the sour-ness!!! hahaha..
yeah! changed my bg music to "Guy Sebastian - Angels Brought Me Here" awwwe~ nice~~ deep memories leh...
♥ connie at 11:59 PM
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Shoppin shoppin shoppin!!!
oh well... shopped tdy!!! went out with mum and auntie jessie!! well didnt buy anything la.. but jus to see and try and try and TRY!! hahaha.. only buy my facial wash -_-
1st time tryin this..
L'Oreal Hydrafresh..facial foam + toner.. for all ages and skin type..
hmm.. fragrance wise stil ok.. but after using it.. my skin feel tight!!! shud have asked er jie b4 buying..cos she told me.. her skin feels tight after using it too... so she threw it away!!! hmm... lets see hw is it after using for 3days.. cos its stil new to the skin la. i guess thats y hahaa.. *convincing myself*
mum and auntie are the winner.. they bought shoes.. bottoms.. facial products.. clothes... i am their PA... helpin them to ask for size..color.. promo.. *blah blah blah...
at the shoppin mall.. i saw LION DANCE TROUPE!! OH MY GOODNESS!!! i am afraid of it lar.. hahaha i dunno y... i stood still lookin at the lion making sure it doesn't come near me!!! and make sure both of them dun go near e section where the lion is!!! haha.. quickly shoo them to other level to get dads stuffs... we went home with big bags small bags.. big bags with many small bags inside too.. wonder how much $$$ they spent on.
had my lonely dinner *sob* hahahaa actually its over dosage of food! 3 person with each a set of fish n chips... PLUS $3 worth of ROJAK consist of e fried you tiao!!! luckily i didnt had my lunch tdy... or else i be dead with the rojak. well didnt touched much on the rojak too.... but the other 2 person r bursting with it!! HAHAHAHAHA =P
bOOOOo!!!!! hopefully by saturday get IXUS-60!!!!! *grin*
♥ connie at 11:58 PM
Its a boring day... yeah~ everyone is not in the mood for any visitin tdy.. cos.. tmr they gotta work.. haha all of them has depression!!!
i realised my hair color changed! its not that golden anymore!! woOoo~ haha.. unless under natural light.. the color is v obvious..
well gt photos frm joanne but lazy to upload..
hmm... mum asked my who am i inviting for my bday.. well be invitin frenz.. and relatives... than she asked am i invitin steven... and ming yao.. eh.. i dunno leh... asked da jie than she said.. jus sms them and see what they reply.. hmmm probably gonna do that tmr so as to get the things done.. everything requires 1 week advance.. due to the new yr season.
after hearing some stuffs frm a fren.. felt tt life is so so so fragile!! never know whats gonna happen nxt.. and after reading some stuffs frm another 'fren'.. i dun wan to bother anymore.. ooh..wad a messy day full of tots!
stop bloggin here.. dun wanna depress anyone with depress stuffs!!
happy holiday & happy workin to all =D
♥ connie at 12:54 AM
Monday, February 19, 2007
Happy New Year!
Its the 2nd day of the lunar new yr... hmmm.. yeah collected hong baos.. hehe..
had to decorate the hse with the stuffs mum bought..
hmm.. tis is cute lil pigs.. hehe
taken jus abt 18mins away to the Chinese new yr..
this is very classic.. the best place to take our family pic.. hehe
2nd livin rm..
Day 1...cousins frm my paternal side came to my hse.. hmm.. yeah cousins whom we met once a yr came.. crap with my cousins thou they are all 28 and above.. and all asked me the same qnt.. "Still studyin? What course?" well... obviously told them waiting for results than look for a job.. studied MIT consist of computer science.. design and i am more specialise in mobile thingy... they are WOW-ed by my course cos the name very long and it sounds chim.. none of them studies IT/engineering related stuffs.. thus they are facinated by pple who studied computer science.. HAHAHAHAHA.. after they left.. we r set to go over to granny hse!
bro drove da jie car instead of she driving it herself.. with er jie jolene n joanne we went over 1st.. i sat at the front it was super funny.. we kept on sayin bro.. so fortunate to be the only male with 4 ladies as his passengers.. and after sayin tt.. we noticed another car de passenger by-pass us by starin into our car HAHAHAHAHA... and tt's a male driver with a male passenger.. so we conclude.. they r jealous of bro!! hehehe.. ok la i know we r so bhb!!! but thats jus to entertain bro and ourselves..
over at granny hse played with lil nephews n niece. took photos.. hmmm almost all pics r in jojo camera.. i only have some misc. pics frm my hp...
the twins nephew gabriel and gerald.. with niece janessa.. all 3 of them are eatin jelly at the same time!! cute~

jolene and me.. hmm we jus loves to stand outside take pic la.. last yr we did the same thingy too.. hahaha..

had fun with sean sean and bryan!!! bryan is in singapore!! hehe.. he is so big size.. mus be v v strong than can carry him.. hehe adorable!!

it ended back at home.. watching tv.. snack on goodies..
Day 2..hmm.. stayed home the whole day.. cos relatives comes to my hse automatically.. hehe..
1st came my neighbour.. than came uncle eric with clifford, granny & maid.. uncle raymond with calista n carlisle.. 3rd uncle and family.. uncle gary and family.. all arrives one after another..
my nephew niece and lil cousin.. 3 of them r v noisy.. so... i played a game with them... and the rule of the game is..
3 of them stands in a straight line.. and see who can keep quiet for the longest time.. the one who can keep quiet for 2hrs from 3.30pm to 5.30pm will be rewarded with chocolates!
mavis n jing jie... hmm didnt manage to take pic of their 'accomplice' karuna..
hahahaha i know it is evil!!! but than thats the only way to keep them silence..and they loves chocolate!! everyone laugh when they saw the 3 of them standin side by side giggling away.. super buay tahan with this "game" i implemented.. well they did manage to keep quiet for 30mins la... and after tt they continue to play w/o raising their voices.. hehehe.. not a bad game rite?
ends the nite with playin our usual poker.
hehehee... to us its ain't a new yr w/o this! hahaha..
will upload more pics when i gt frm here n there..
♥ connie at 11:56 PM
Friday, February 16, 2007
What a day.
hmm.. i've lost touch with everything. yup. drifting away =(
well anyway.. suppose to go bugis tdy.. but gave it a missed.. smthing is not right on granny again. dunno hw to say abt it... so stayed home to help mum with the offerings to pray... well.. the mind doesnt works well with the heart tdy... so.. while frying stuffs oil splat onto me.. burning the offerings.. burnt my finger.. so clumpsy.
went over to granny hse ard 7plus.... hmmm yeah talked and joke with granny that on chinese new yr... we dun mind getting a huge hong bao frm her... granny stil add on.. if we go over for dinner tmr... our hong bao wud be bigger.. hahaa.. jus making a joke out of it to make granny laugh.. seldom granny holds me. but tdy she was seated on the sofa.. and i'm seated on the floor.. she held my hand and say "you are the youngest one.. hong bao will be the biggest" hong bao big or not i dun care.. jus wan granny to be safe and healthy.
alrite..short short post..
early greetings in case i didn't get to blog on new yr..
Have a Prosperous New Year people.
♥ connie at 11:54 PM
My day....
I went to Funan Digital IT Mall tdy!!! went to collect laptop.. alrite.. i took 147... dreamy until i missed my stop! hahaha so had to walk back 1 stop.. frm there walk to chinatown is near too... somehow i explored several route tdy hahaa... from clark quay[did i spelled it correctly??] i walked to funan... well.. it was alrite.. thou the sun is super warm!!! walked across e river very quickly... PHOBIA!!! hahaha.. dislike to walk near river!!!
waited for almost half an hour to collect lappy... worst of all... e keypad wasnt fully replaced.. some of e keypad had missing wordings and punctuations!!! got so fed up with them.. told the guy... "its been 2 weeks already and now i am here to wait for u to replace that missing parts... its no diff if i bring in for repair tdy and u replace for me on the spot!" called da jie and told her the situation.. damm i guess that guy was afraid.. he quickly get everything done within mins and let me check again... i am not fierce to him... but i was told with the firm tone and color of my hair, it somehow will freak tt fella out.. HAHAHAHAA... and paid 84bucks for the repair.. BROKE!!! haahaha
oh yeaa.. i saw LAMBORGHINI parked at my hse here *gasped*... da jie tot it was Ferrari... but no!! its Lambor!!! the car was wow to us.. but the driver is -_- lets not talk abt the driver[someone who lives ard tis area].. the car doesnt suit him at all~
few days ago... packed my room and came across my N and O level Batik Art Preparation work... and my O lvl piece was submitted for SYF Competition... so has to rearrange my stuffs to fit into their theme.. "WINGS TO SOAR".. my own theme was "Sea Life" or is it Marine Life?? so my art teacher told me to fit my sea into the wings... quote some wow wow phrase "Wings to Soar:Protecting the Sea Life.. let it be out ASPIRATION" hahaha... well thou my piece didnt get in the top.. but stil i earn myself good grade in the Os'...
here's the work submitted for syf.. hmm the batik.. guess i did post pics on it b4.. go n trace back!

i love the drawing i did on the squid.. monster squid.. cos.. its really @#$% to draw tt hahaha.. kept it for sometimes liao.. so the shading of it fades!!! =( i rmb i always use mechanical pencil to shade instead of those wooden pencil.. which is the wrong medium! on the most right was the overall piece.. i loves my 3 color schemes.. only a quarter is shown here... i did wrote down.. y did i use the brown-yellow[1st color scheme] color... i said, "the different shades of brown represent the sand that lies beneath the sea.. and touches of blue to represent the sea water.." hahaha.. i find the other 2 schemes r v unique [self praising.. heehe]..
tomorrow gonna be another busy day for myself.. goin out to get all the watches battery change... 1 die all die.. e watches v united hor? gonna go for ebt! than a lil of shoppin... i wanna get THAT white top!!! i hope i can find it there tmr~
hmm... okayy... so much for my post..
♥ connie at 12:05 AM
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
oh yes..
HAPPY VALENTINES' DAY to all! hws ur vday pple? some r mugging for exams.. while i shop and laze.. managed to clean my room! cleared my messy table.. clear my wardrobe.. i realised i gt many new tops n bottoms but i dun wear them to sch! cleaned my computer desk area.. dust and clean the keyboard til **blink blink** hahaha as thou my keyboard is made of gold... oso spent my vday with SEAN SEAN!! omg i really love him more n more.. hahahaa..lastly end my vday killing a lizard with er jie.. Sinned. but who ask tt lizard.. we chased it away but it stil dun wan to go out of the window.. so killed it while chasing it awy.
was lookin at camera frm Canon with da jie.. she dun really like Sony de.. cos the SD card is not compatible with others.. hmmm so Canon is our choice now!! had 3 choices..
Digital IXUS 60..

it is 6megapixel... 3x optical zoom + 4x digital zoom.. weighs 140g... and currently it cost $499... it looks sleek and more convenient to carry it abt..
2nd consideration..
Powershot A630..

it is 8megapixel...4x optical zoom... weights 245g.. cost $529.. it is more bulky.. best use for zi lian pple.. cos it has the screen which can be rotated..
another we have in mine looks similar to A630.. its Powershot A640.. and its 10 megapixel!!!!!!! cost $629!!! but we dun need a camera that has such powerful pixel la.. 5 megapixel above is v good to us alrdy.. hehee.. but i hope its she IXUS we gettin.. cos more sleek more convenient to bring anywhere... but Powershot not bad too.. esp when there's no one to take pic for u n ur fren.. probably mus get that 'east-door' comment on purchasing a camera.. listen to his recommendation.. dun really like to ask sales person cos they will always psycho us into buying the most expensive thingy!
omg.. i am sneezin n sneezin!!! again n again.. i dun wanna fall sick!!! i guess its the dust that cause me to *aaahhhh chOooOo~*
ok.. jus feel so happy tdy hehehe...
♥ connie at 11:51 PM
I feel....
i jus felt so afraid!!
i dun wan it to happen!!!!!
it twirls the mind of mine. =(
gonna feel panicky for more than a month!
♥ connie at 12:59 AM
Monday, February 12, 2007
Officially.. holiday! hahaha holiday for life time!!! holiday til i feel there's a need to work.
alrite.. somehow i gt smthing in mind wad i wanna work lar.. jus either heng or sway of cos i hope i'm heng lar!!
well tdy was the first and last paper.. hopefully can pass for it.. else i'm goin to sob for sure. alrite.. many things gonna miss in sch. esp the frenz...!!! pple!!! better dun lost touch okay!
alrite! i went to color n cut my hair tdy!!! not really cut.. jus trim here n there not much diff in style.. but great diff in color!!! had a base color of brown... than the brown wasnt that obvious.. so high-light a lighter color.. blonde-gold.. did treatment too.. cos my hair did rebonding b4 de.. need treatment to protect it!! all these stuffs took me 3hours and it adds up to a total cost of $120 =D CHEAP RITE!!!!!???? if i go kimage... $120 is not even cut plus color after my 20% discount!!! but i'll go back to kimage soon after i land myself with a job.. hahaha than i can LAVISH my hair again like i use to do so.
hmm... wonder if tis person stil rmb when tis pic was taken not..

alrite. i've no idea wad i wanna blog liao.. wonder how long i wud continue to blog too...
♥ connie at 11:50 PM
Sunday, February 11, 2007
saturday went pretty nice~ yeah!
morning did some spring clean.. with er jie n da jie polished all the lights in the 1st lvl... after tt went bencoolen with mum n da jie.. bought new yr deco... and some other stuffs. suppose to go funan IT mall.. but not in time to collect lappy home.. its 1week awy frm home liao.. hopes it doesn't miss us too much.. hehe.. will collect it tmr or nxt week confirm before new yr!!! wanted to go Central mall with da jie.. but was pretty late alrdy.. so gave it a missed.. err jie went with jason n told us its nice.. hmmm gotta make a trip there SOON!!
few days ago.. some brainless driver went to knocked my dads' lorry!!! dad was reversing into the parking lot to unload stuffs than the lancer tot its sports car or wad ar.. overtook dad.. reversed at high speed.. and **BANG**!! the driver was shocked to see the state of his car... and said its his own fault... he asked dad whether his lorry gt damages not. that got dad laughing.. bcos LORRY is definately STRONGER and TOUGHER than car!!! if dads lorry doesnt have the strong metal bar which he uses to climb up.. i guess that driver wud be UNDER his lorry liao.. and both left the scene with *peace*....
tdy was grandmother death anniversary... she left us when i was in pri3... i didn't know she passed away until i'm home from school.. i rmb the day pretty well in my mind... as usual i waited for my brother in sch to go home together[we were in the same pri sch].. but tt day it was aunt who came to fetched us home.. happily we packed our lunch home.. and upon reachin home.. instead of parkin the car in the carpark aunt parked the car further awy frm home.. i saw those huge tents being set up beside my hse the empty piece of land.. when i stepped into the hse.. i saw grandmother lying motionlessly on the floor dressed in "shou-yi"... my youngest aunt sobbing and burning joss paper and she told my bro n i.. "Ah-ma had passed away". its jus the tense feeling in the hse.. i dunno what to say.. dunno how to react but felt so afraid. rituals were done before sealing up the coffin.. that was the very last time i saw her. the first nite i jus cant get to slp.. i turned on the lights... and had my aunt to accompany in the room until i fall aslp.. i guess most kids behaves that way at young age...
thou my relationship with grandmother is not close. . i stil rmb when i was abt 4 yrs old.. we stil lives at tpy.. i likes to go into her rm when everyone one is not ard except the maid.. my parents dun like me to enter her room for too long because the windows were all closed n the fan is the only src of air ventilation.. they feels that stuffy room is not good for kids.. but i dun really bother i wait for everyone to be out of the hse..than... i will go beside her see what she is doing.. she always sits infront of her dressing table.. i dunno if there is any conversation with her.. or there was no conversation at all.. only lookin at her?? she stays in e room.. only comes out for meals and showers. once in a while she would come out for a walk around the house... thats her, my late grandmother.
alrite.. enough of my wordy wordy post.. i promise.. i'll post pics soon! =)
♥ connie at 12:53 AM
Thursday, February 08, 2007
1 more to go..
1 more to go on monday... and that might seal my fate. hmmm seriously... i dunno wad i want to do after that =(
alrite.. met er jie for lunch after sch... hmm had the so called famous fish n chips @ tpy featured on the papers b4.. so we went to try... Conclusion: -_- not nice!!! we stil find the one sellin at our hse here is the best! hehe.. after tt went to town alone. yeah... bought a skirt!! usual selling at $45.. but now its sellin at $36! so BUY! hahaha... well well... took me a long time to decide while walking ard sourcing for other tops bottoms n dresses... i always buy things when i am ALONE! no one to stop me hehee.. went yin&yang saw the top again! but come to 2nd tot.. its not really worth it to buy la.. so gave it a missed. there r more choices out there =P one more upcoming purchase might be sony t-10!!! aaaah hopefully its t-10!! HOPEFULLY!!!!!! as thou i strike rich always buy things hahaha... *i wish..*
hmmm... went to check out prices at saloons! Color + treatment + cut @ $110 thats normal rate.. but additional discount for students!!! so i think i'm goin for it on monday! take the last chance to have such students benefit hahahahaha.... unless i go for Uni studies lar.. than i'll stil be student =) da jie.. er jie n num said to me n bro... "GO STUDY UNI TOGETHER!" bro wants to register for triple E!! they wan me dead by studyin computer science again! hahahaa.. i jus love them.. so kind~
tmr gonna go out with mum.. yeah she buay sian one.. consecutive 2days go bugis with bro liao.. tmr stil wan me to go with her.. HAHAHA yess thanks to smthing that took place that got everyone happy =D may it be a good turn out for the yr and more to come for us. eh.. been posting wordy post... hmm.. no new pics to upload here.. so i'm gonna speak. hee..
alrite.. so much for now...
♥ connie at 11:54 PM
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Crazy thots..
woo its feb! means...
graduation is approaching[provided i clear pass tis semester].. goin into another different phase in life... WORK!
valentines' day approaching.. by then i'm free frm exams but all my other valentines' are chionging for exams.. hehe..
chinese new yr is coming.. oooo.. well nthing really special.. the usual for every yr =) unless i plan some happening stuffs hahaha..
well... didnt manage to go shoppin on fri! felt so sick... down with slight flu.. fever.. cough.. super duper good 3 in 1. i shud say tis is my bad habit. everytime when the chinese new yr is approaching, i'll be down with these syndrome.. very 'heng' rite?
stayed home the whole day... watched tv.. oh well jus now watch Sharks Tale on HBO... thou watched it many times liao.. but no choice nthing is nice being aired on the local channels.. had afternoon nap... yeah~ sleep sleep sleep~ feels so lethargic... the word "LETHARGIC" sounds familiar to you guys? rmb AH LAM???? our yr 1 and 2 maths lecturer? she likes to say in her sexy.. husky voice... "You~~ students are so lethargic~~~" haha..
er jie is awy at bintan.. aaaaahh i oso wanna go!! enjoy the nice scenary.. to relax!! she made me jealous by tellin me she gonna take loads of pic n video home to show me!!! HAO LIAN!!!
hmmm i've made plans after the new yr... sounds kiasu.. but no!!! time really flies alrite!!! 1stly definately source for job.. probably a part time 1st b4 considering the parts n parcel.. while bro decides to continue his studies..*hmmm..* a trip to bangkok[hopefully].. extract my wisdom tooth! too much of wisdom is causing me discomfort. =P
my 21st bday celebration[hopefully nthing happened.. *pray pray pray*]!! hahaha.. feel like having a change instead of ordering frm the usual Y.L.S catering and one more at amk blk 108 there[shud be tt blk].. thou both r reeally good.. so saw some catering service brochure in the letter box almost every week.. hehe.. tdy the one i saw looks great, Kims Kitchen! esp with OYSTER!!! guess everyone loves tt or at least my sisteres like it hehe! mum said i wan her dead by setting my eyes on such expensive buffet.. hehe.. well.. well.. i'll go get my sponsor(S)! HAHAHA.. anyway will celeb in advance! cos.. on the actual day..its the 15th day of lunar new yr n it falls on sunday.. so i guess most family wud wan to have dinner together. and yes! some crazy tots of the cake i wanted.. hehehe.. wud like to try The Patissier! else back to RIVE GAUCHE!
ok so much of my plans ahead.. time to stop or else.. never ending!
♥ connie at 11:38 PM