Wednesday, May 30, 2007
aahh feels so confused in my mind now... =((
haix.. pros and cons one either side.. what i really want!! i dun wanna disappoint the other party neither do i wan to disappoint the current party. =( well its with regards to my job.. my future... my next step in life..
things is like tis.. went for interview at a hotel on monday... my intention is to go there and be exposed to different interview environment and jus to try luck. and surprisingly the whole interview took almost an hour! so i felt that i've higher chance of 2nd interview with the GM. so off to work after that w/o bothering much abt the interview... and the next day.. they called and offered me the job.. was happy with what they have offer me.. so decided to only give them a definate answer on friday...
and so... today with my current co. they too offer to convert me to a perm position instead of the current temp... i was feeling happy too... But now i starts to compare both sides they have the pros and cons set aside equally among each other..
1st factor is the environment.. when i step into any place for interview.. the feelin of the atmosphere doesn't feel tense or anyway weird... both places are comfortable when i was there...
2nd factor i consider abt a co. is the people.. i've been with m current co for 2mths alrdy... the pple there r nice..easy goin.. great pple to work with.. current co wins in tis part.
3rd factor is the salary & benefits.. in this case.. the hotel wins. they send staffs for courses to attend instead of the staff forking out money on their own to attend. and its a common thing for hotel to provide meal to their staffs and those f&b offer thingy..
out of ther 3 factors.. its equal.. if i were to compare medical benefits and all definately my current co stand high chance bcos its a health care co! but *CHOY who always wanna be sick at work!
and with the current absence of the manager i felt so evil to leave them with 2wks notice.. and by then oso nt sure if the manager will be back.. with the current work load in hand its really un-managable among the 3 of us... really gt no idea how!!!! i mean both sides are attractive with their incentives and benefits...
and by friday i mus give both side an answer! pls pls pls.. can someone decide for me? most pple wud say hotel is good. but my sis says... the people there is the most impt and am i able to click with them!!! -_- i really dunno... afraid to accept.. afraid to reject.. afraid of disappointment after acceptance.. afraid of disappointment upon and after rejection. =(
in the past.. i always wonder how great it would be to work in hotel industry... bcos hotel are always located in great places.. and whatever position you holds in the hotel you are stil executively dressed. but now its a dream come true knocking at my door... and i dunno how to welcome it or send it awy. =(
can someone really advise and clear the ass-ified brain of mine?
♥ connie at 11:26 PM
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Shop shop shop
GSS!! SHOPPING!!! Central @ Clarke Quay (did i get the spellin rite?).. Plaza Singapura.. Novena Sq.. Bishan J8.. surprisingly my shoppin went frm town to neightbourhood place hehe.. everywhere oso can shop.. nxt week will try to make a trip to Far East.. wanna get smthing i've been eyeing for a period of time.. =D
with all these places i went.. it incurred a total damage of $200!!! cant control my temptation for those stuffs i saw... my fav is the skirt i gt.. hahaha its the only item with the most discount..
Original price less 30%, discounted price additional less 20% for DBS card holders.. hahaha.. wanted to grab more.. but manage to maintain the hole frm becoming bigger frm my burning pocket.
didnt manage to buy any tops for myself. =( all too fanciful and not appropriate to wear to work.. happy with my shoppin trip!!!
hmm.. i can only rmb so much to blog abt..
new week ahead to start with work. =)
great week ahead to all!
♥ connie at 10:23 PM
Friday, May 25, 2007
a great day to begin with... but after wad i read before goin home.. i'm so jealous! omg never felt so jealous b4.. haha.. dun feel good at all.. but anyway dunno wad caught on us tdy.. felt so... hmmmm!!! ok.. be composed. that silly fool drove BMW series 5!!! my fav eye catching car~ *gasped* ok "exposing" too much.
its so fast and i'm working for almost 2 mths.. stil surviving well in the organisation... hehe.. had an Alfresco Party at 6pm in the office... get to meet alot of unfamiliar faces! thou we r in the same co.. but i dunno who is who frm most departments.. BUT they know who i am cos i always send email to ALL!!! -_-" felt so alien =(
tdy made some gravel nmistakes at work haix... felt so lousy after tt.. nxt week onwards got to be very very v carefull else i'm gonna be like a fool!!!
nxt week gonna be a lonely one... cos both colleagues be either on course or on leave =( gonna be killed by the phone calls frm Drs, CAs & unknown pple!!! whenever they wanna ask me if they can ask me regarding some qnts.. i wud reply them.. "if i know the answers to ur qnts" felt so lousy at times over the phone too.. haiix..
monday took half morning off... hmm.. goin to swissotel. wOo~ to 'relax' than back to work in the afternoon... yup yup... gonna enjoy my weekend for now!
take care all!
♥ connie at 11:07 PM
Thursday, May 24, 2007
kinda worry for myself..
kinda unsure...
kinda happy....
kinda disappointed..
kinda tied up..
kinda miscellaneous feelings now! =( i am happy on the positive side.. yet sad on the negative side! omg! what is happening.. can either one of the choice be fulfilled?
jus my random rants!
♥ connie at 10:40 PM
Sunday, May 20, 2007
New Skin!
Yeah changed my blogskin! and also bgsound back to the old song. aww~ love it..,. hehe.. nowadays i'm havin lesser and shorter post. jus gt no idea wad i wanna blog..
hmm so much for now!
great week ahead to all!
♥ connie at 11:10 PM
Friday, May 18, 2007
a great day
oh well my title doesnt goes with my post. its goin to rain soon!!! -_-" ***help!!!****
alrite been 2 weeks and i stil have resolve my pc... asked the IS pple at work.. it was said hardware problem... hmm.. tmr gonna call those free lancer to troubleshoot if their prices are reasonable.. else than i see who wanna troubleshoot frm my wrk place and i pay them hehehe.. thats wad bro told me to do... its better to let someone familiar to do it rather than unknown pple.
been busy but i dunno wad i am busy with... only rmb printing of appraisal forms and doing a lil of misc. stuffs... times flie flies flies~ nxt wk would be a busy week...
anyway... loves my motivater! =D
can't wait for da jie to be back from shanghai!!! 1 more week and she'll be back!!! the rm is so emopty w/o her.. hehe..
well lets see wads plan for tmr... probably cut my hair.. its too long!! take me v v long time to wash n blow dry... gonna get my contact lenses replace too.. been 2mths liao stil have replace.. hehehe.. few items on my shopping list but stil haven get my pay... bear with it for awhile more!!! and i'll be rich again! haha
wanting to get..
- heels... its difficult to find a pair of heels with a suitable ht for myself
- wallet.. went window shoppin and i saw braun buffel new launch of wallet.. nice!! but pricey too =(
- clothes.. dresses... saw alot of clothes til i dunno which to get!!!
GSS coming too.. mus hold my wallet tight.. probably throw awy my cards.. freeze my account.. hehehe.. crazy i think too much =P
okay.,.. so much of a nonsence frm me!
♥ connie at 10:22 PM
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
its tuesday. been busy??? hmm.. can't rmb wad i did at work tdy.. things jus swiisshh swwoooossh swiiiissssh passed me by.. gonna be a hectic week i guess.. again crucial.
hmm.. forgotten abt someones' bday ytd. sry. happy belated birthday. it slipped my mind.
took half day off for tmr morning... cos its Granny 49th day tmr.. so fast.. she's been gone for 7 weeks... after tt gonna go back to work.. hmm at least stil get to pray her.. and also meet up with my cousins n my lil cutie..sean! its been a long long time since i last saw him, clifford told me sean say he miss me! omg *melts*
hmm.. well short post for nowadays nthing much to be said. if i got alot to say i guess... theres a huge impact that has changed it =D
can't rmb where i saw or heard tis quote which i finds it meaningful:
"love only disappear when you do not understand"
alrite.. ciaO!
♥ connie at 11:32 PM
Saturday, May 12, 2007
mmm... stil thinking if i shud purchase the top on monday! hehe.. shoppin mania is back.. GSS is comin.. hmm... *wonder wonder~*
planning to have a hair cut b4 wed! y wed? dunno jus feel like doin it before wed.. thats my plan la.. see i can execute it not..
feels so sleepy now!!! and its only 11.38pm!!!! woke up v early tdy went out n home again to zzz for an hr b4 goin out again. aarrgghh... self-torture
hmm... suddenly i missed him thou.. aaww~
♥ connie at 11:25 PM
Friday, May 11, 2007
*grin grin*
blogginh in the rm with lappy now.. hmm stil haven find someone to help me cure pc.. bro is to lazy to do anything for me.. damm! ^#@^
i'm feelin HappY! cos its friday.. and it passed by pretty nice.. love it~
had fire drill at work tdy.. well pple frm pspl r the most slow moving pple.. hahha all slowly walked out of offic to assemble.. during lunch had crazy talk with celeste n hwee min... HM doesn't eat small prawn cos she felt that she's eating the baby... so.. celeste asked if she eats spring chicken... drumlet.. softshell crab.. baby kai-lan.. and worst i add on... n asked if she eats egg... ikan bilis.. alot of silly qnts... fun to crap during lunch and back to serious work in the office. =)
hmm. alrite so much for tdy.. busy busy now.. tmr gonna be a long long day~
♥ connie at 11:59 PM
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
tdy went vivo city.. so shocked with whom i saw! i saw ADI!! omg!!!! surprised! saw him pacing up and down at work.. not concentrating uh?
hmm apart frm tht went shoppin..try on several clothes.. but i looks weird in them.. i love the design n everything but its really weird on me.. =( so sad didnt get anything except sinful stuffs frm candy empire.. hehehe... wanted to go for hair cut.. but forget to bring my discount card =( [yes i am cheapo~] went little match girl.. members sales 30% til 20th may!!! its really Oh my goodness~ *gasped*
ytd at work i was banged by a big rabbit.. the path was so big yet stil kena bang by him... luckily wadever that is in my hand are to thrown off my hands.. else my heart gonna ache..
well.. this week is a crucial week.. hope everything goes the way i wan...
*i wish...i pray.. i hope for it to happen*
♥ connie at 10:39 PM
Monday, May 07, 2007
its monday! i dun see the blues~ simply i love to work! hahaha.. ok.. i'm crazy.
my pc is dead.. awww~... but anyway gt lappy to back up.. gonna find a cure for my pc soon. real soon. [when i gt the time~]
taking half day off on wed to go for interview... yup thou nthing is finalise at pspl but stil continue to look for job and see what are the outcomes are.. well only can hope for the best =)
mmm... alrite jus came in to blog for fun.. nthing to blog actually!
i'm HAPPY!
♥ connie at 10:43 PM
Saturday, May 05, 2007
lil' thots
my da jie is awy in shanghai! -_-" again for 3 weeks i am alone... *sad* she left me alone again...
well.. just a lil' thots here..
Sometimes... things are better to be asked by individual rather than going thru a 2nd or 3rd party. Mouth is for one to speak up and ASK. Thus, its impt to have a mind of your own.
Thats all for a short lil post.
♥ connie at 2:57 PM
Friday, May 04, 2007
i am feeling sick! aarrgghh~ the flu bug-ie is so powerful... =(
voice turning husky too.. =(
hmmm.. seems like there are so many things to be said but... no idea how and where to start. continuing with my job... =) hope things doesnt change. *fingers crossed*
it was bro bday on wed.. hehe didn't celeb or wad.. he said.. "WHO SAYS BDAY V IMPT!" haha.. than we siblings starts to talk rot... happy belated birthday bro!
tdy was so pissed with tis girl frm a reputable job agency. this so call personnel consultant damm irritatin. told her i am not keen on the job located in TUAS! and she always blabber alot.. eg.
1. pple who work in tuas are friendlier as compared to pple workiin in central
2. she worked in that co b4.. e colleagues go for steamboat n blah blah blah together
its so weird. overly aggressive! i guess she stil dun understand the meaning of NOT INTERESTED.
alright... there's nthing much or new to be updated. things seems stagnent now.
♥ connie at 11:11 PM
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
went shoppin tdy.. total damage: undefine...
haven been postin any pics.. so.. gonna post some tdy...
my lil nephew came over my hse on sunday.. jing xi... v smiley!

thats the only nice pic.. its difficult to make him look into the camera and SMILE~
poor mazda was involve in an accident sometimes ago... damn huge damage.. but not as bad as the clumpsy driver who came to bang us from back to front -_-" the other party car was very damage... speed so fast n put his family life at risk...
Damage 1:

Damage 2:

even the bonnet was damage..
Damage 3:

the worst damage... left passenger seat was that bad til the door can't be open
now mazda is perfectly in shape... repaired!
hmmm.. so much for tdy... goin to bed..
♥ connie at 10:30 PM