Saturday, August 25, 2007
tdy i woke up with big big shocked! hahah... guess i'm over stress from work...
i woke up and i look into the clock..its 7.10AM!!! i tot i woke up late for work.. saw da jie stil on bed.. so i checked my calendar... and i realised it Saturday... dun need to work at all!!!! freak me out... felt so blur mann!!!! heEEeeeELLLLPPP
and i went back to slp again.. hehe..
i had a dream too.. i dreamt i hit someone up.. somehow the person teased me til i buay tahan so i grab him on the shirt and punched his face.. not once... but twice... and his face swollen.. hehehe.. its crazy to dream abt such thingy.. ahahahah.. when i woke up i felt so shiok.. really feel like punchin someone up.. okay.. ignore and beware of me.. i told my mum and da jie abt this dream they laught and laught...
feels kinda sick now... haiix cannot fall sick!!! next wk be busy.. having staff comm session.. had jobs advert posted on tdys paper. so tues will have to entertain walk in interviewees...
may it be a peaceful week!
♥ connie at 11:59 PM
Friday, August 24, 2007
ITs FRIDAY! i alway gets excited when its friday even if i gt nthing on after work.. hahhahaha...
i make pple crazy at work... 1stly some chef calls me MEI MEI! -_- *faints* and i burst out laughing in the office.. so pai seh.. hehe..
thursday was an eye opening day on my way to swiss embassy to return some stuffs... call me suah ku or wadever la.. but its very rare to see it in singapore. was in the cab... than i saw BMW series 7.. i like tt car.. and wad caught my eye most was the sticker that say LEFT HAND DRIVER. i tot its kinda some nonsence.. still i look into the car.. its REaLLY LEFT HAND DRIVER... the driver is an ang moh.. definately v rich to import it to spore... that was was facinated me on my way...
and on my way back smthing facinates me too.. due to some loud noise i tot its some crazy ass modify their car to be like sports car.. so i turn left and look.. its a FERRARI!!! but all crazy drivers r mad la.. they slow down and look at tt car n let the driver go ahead... but i understand tt sometimes this kinda thing is common reaction. hehe..
alrite.. let me recap stil gt wad interesting thingy happened... hmmm.. guess so much for the week... bye!
♥ connie at 11:10 PM
Sunday, August 19, 2007
which pc to buy! decided not to get laptop thou its convenient.. i dun bring it out anyway.. and i am goin to chuck all my pc stuffs into my room soon!!!
tis HP desktop is wad i wanted... pavilion slimline s3000 series...
its slim and sleek.. saves space... chuck in my room... saves all trouble... and better thing is i can change the skin of the cpu!!!

but its kinda pricey.. so gotta think twice..
than again.. acer brand came to my mind.. thou i dun really like that brand.. but its cheaper as compared to hp... the aspire L320 series.. it looks not bad.. system specs is slightly better than hp...
hmmm.. jus cant make up my mind... -_-*
♥ connie at 10:09 PM
wooo went out tdy... to vivo city! yeahh.. bought another pair of black court shoe.. and its oso very cheap too $29.90 only! gotta invest for another pair of good one soon after.. planned to buy black top to go along with my beige suit... saw alot of black tops.. but the one i like is stil frm esprite... both the top and bottom has lace.. its nice!!awww.. so tempted to buy but its cost $39.90 -_-" kinda steep in price... wanted to but another bag too.. but nthing caught my eyes yet =(
over at vivo i oso met my cutie sean sean!!! bro was there with him.. and i bought him 2 strawberry chupa chups(lolipop)! he loves strawberry... and he loves calling someone "AUNTIE" bahahahaha.... auntie leh... super funny.. before he goes off... he hugged me gdbye.. aawwee~ *meltz*
saturday jus pass me by jus like that... so fast! and now i'm home... dreamin n dreaming n dreaming...
time to dream further! bye~
♥ connie at 12:33 AM
Friday, August 17, 2007
another week has pass by! work has been pretty alrite.. but it wasnt alrite when thingy gets cocks up.. well that work..
somedas ago one guy came for interview for aom position... and surprisingly he worked at baden before.. was so surprised tt he worked there b4.. but well.. he will be in my division... so mus worked closly with him too.. wait for him to start work than see how things goes..
previously had cup cakes from Carnival & Co.

thou kinda expensive... but its pretty! taste wise its normal.. icing sugar+cake

tdy aft work.. met bro. cos he was ard clarke quay... its been quite sometimes since i met him out.. not to say he drop by my hse with sean.. so acc him for dinner than he went off to meet his fren... and home sweet home for me!
my da jie nt home..she's in thhailand!! damn go holiday again... throw me alone in e rm... i told her i'm so lonely in the rm... bahahaha.. kinda crazy..
alrite.. pen so much cant concentrate on blogggin at e moment..
have a good weekend!
♥ connie at 11:01 PM
Sunday, August 12, 2007
exactly a week since i last blogged... a week come and go so so so fast!
also haven been energetic enuf to come online.. and stil haven replace my computer yet.. hmmm~
been rather busy at work... monday went for teambuilding course... its was not bad.. rather fun.. requires lots of team work... some how been very busy to do my own division stuffs at work... stucked on doing some survey! -_-" and also involved in D&D event thingy... hmm time is running out!!!
ytd went shopping in the afternoon and i gt myself some tops... after tt went for fren bday chalet... its nice meeting other frenz up again =) aft e chalet.... went home and out! yeah kinda crazy... catch up with peeps i didnt meet for a long long long time..
will try to post pic up on the next post...
in the mean time take care everyone... and... cheerios!
♥ connie at 2:27 PM
Sunday, August 05, 2007
wkend pass by so fast!!! haixx.. its monday tmr!! but anyway luckily this Thurs is public holiday.. hehehe.. tmr goin for Teambuilding over at SRC.. hmmm.. hopefully it ends earlier than expected.. hehe..
ytd kinda went shoppin! kinda made lots of harsh decision on buying those stuffs.. haha.. well but i like it.. bought another suit $80... wanted to buy another suit cos the auntie told me.. $70 only!!! VERY CHEAP!!probably tmr aft course go and buy it if stil available hahaha... bought a pair of white pumps $19.90..ON SALES!!! hehehe.. oso bought a bag $29.90.. temporary placement for my cravin on the $340 bag!!!! *gasped* can kill myself for it.. =P
tdy tdy tdy.. everyone went malaysia except me n er jie.. so... stay home means boring... and i did smthing super meaningful... i HAND WASHED 3 SUITS of mine!!!! spent almost 1.5hrs doing that... energy consuming!! you must be thinkin who the hell wud hand wash when there is this thingy call washing machine... haha but no!! machine wash can damage it! and makin it more difficult to iron after it dries... so that was my greatest accomplishment for the day!
okay.. when i gt time than i upload photos... bed time!
♥ connie at 10:00 PM
Friday, August 03, 2007
I'm feeling sleepy yet i dun wanna slp yet... hmm searching for some images to make poster... by wed need it.. so by tues nite i gotta complete it.. haiix... monday wont be goin to office.. gotta attend some course.. hehe... and monday i gt new hires! but i wont be there to attend to them.. hmm... hopefully everything that is needed for them are completed by me..
ytd haf farewell dinner with our training executive... well.. photos!

my colleagues... the HR department! the only male is our crazy training executive..
went for dinner over at riverside point.. an indonesia restaurant.. nice food they serve.. affordable too!
last week photo from the soccer game.. only post grp pic.. the rest would be posted on my album...

consist of pple frm front office.. engineering.. kitchen.. service staff.. backend office.. housekeeping..
had more photos to upload but gotta stop here 1st.
♥ connie at 10:35 PM