Saturday, September 29, 2007
Good Day!
I went out early in the mmorning.. alrite my early morning is 10am.. hehe.. went for my medi check up... it took from 11am waited til 12.15pm. very long waiting time..
after the long hours of waiting plus waking up early morning to go check up.. i pampered myself by going to town! yup.. kinda boring to go alone.. but hey hey... whenever i go shoppin alone.. i ends up buying stuffs.. hehee.. no one to stop me or give me comments..
off i went to wisma and taka to shop for a lil while.. zoomed in and out of various shops!!! i saw a shirt dress simple plain and nice.. its cheap too.. less than $30!! tempted to buy.. but controlled myself by walking out of the shop... =( nvm... so went into G2000.. wad else can i get frm there except corporate clothes... so see see look look.. the suit i want is there!!!! and i bough it! bcos they always have this promo for suits.. get blazer and free skirt.. or to put it in another way... get a blazer and skirt @ $159.. well well.. i oso gt a matching bottom at 50% off.. spent abt $188... beside g2000 is PAZZION!!!! i saw the brown/dark red pvc material shoe!!! its lovely!!!!i wanna buy too!!!! damn everything is so nice!!!
*i wish i wish i wish.. i wish i could spend $ with no limits... and not bear the bills*
hahaha... gotta wait long long than my wishes will come true *ggrinz*
wooo.. wad a long entry on my shoppin spree.. hehe..
went home after shoppin.. rot with my sisters.. surprisingly both were home when i gt hm... watched some variety show... and did abit of photo editin for work.. chattin.. in seach of new blog skin.. and finally to recharge myself.. sleep. woke up with whole body aching. cos didnt slp properly =( mus go massage!! =D
hmmm... guess i'll stop the entry here... bitched too much on my shoppin spree~
au revoir~
♥ connie at 10:35 PM
Friday, September 28, 2007
I'm confirmed! hehe yup.. but yet to go for medical check up yet.. tmr gonna do so.. in the morning.. and hopefully i can get the suit i wanna get.. else i will be vvery depress.. hahha..
gt the video for D&D it was hilarious.. er jie and jason watched til they laught non stop.. yes its super funny... can laugh til ur jaws drop..
hmm... somehow i cant think of wad to blog at the moment... will update more tmr!
hve a good weekend!
♥ connie at 10:11 PM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
abit abit abit...
aaahh.. again!
dunno how to describe.. wanna laugh it out yet can go ga-ga over it..
BIG news will arise..
mus keep myself composed.. hahaha
hmm... its jus bits and pieces of life =)
wish me luck?
that doesn't sounds right too..
mmm... wadever~
♥ connie at 10:13 PM
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Ecstatic II
yeah.. so happy tdy! elated! haha.. yesh continue from my love... 'he' has settle at my home... let me post pic of my love...

thats my new gadget! in the process of installing my necessary stuffs..
i nv say i've a bf.. let me intro the new thingy i am playin with..
HP A6290D
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor E4500
1024MB DDR2 320GB 3G Hard disk drive
NVIDIA GeForce 7500LE Graphics
15 in 1 card reader.. thats my fav.. cos all my cable thing went missing..hehehe.. running on Windows Vista... smthing new to try out..
*blah blah blah*
$1299.. didnt buy the full set.. cos my monitor stil new!!! comes with wireless mouse and keyboard.. everyhting is wireless!!! how i wish in the future there is wireless monitor.. happy happy!
some post dated pics to post...
last pass by this shop and my child instinct haunts me...
went to do some kids arty thingy..
a small lil car for sean sean!
in the process...
and this is e other one.. ultraman..
kinda 'pa-jiao' lookin hehee
the finish product! a red beetle car! can give it to sean sean on his birthday which falls on 1oct!! childrens' day!
hmm.. lets see wad else i gotta update..
work.. nthing much to say.. staff comm on monday.. its oso my confirmation appraisal review -_-" planning when i shud take my leaves.. hehehe
personal life.. nthing to update.. smooth sailing.. i dun wanna meet any hurdles!
alrite.. so much to blog on a happy day =)
♥ connie at 11:37 PM
Friday, September 21, 2007
heellpp! i stil cant find my hp cable =( no photos to upload yet. damnn even the song i wan cant be transferred.. sadded again...
oh well oh well... finallly FINALLY I FOUND MY LOVE after some hesitation!!!! was kinda confused when i've 2 choices to choose from... somehow both are equally GOOD and i had a hard time deciding...
but stil i'm glad i've chosen 'him'.... hpopefully i didn't make the wrong choice.. *bless me* hehhee
I'll introduce 'him' in tmr post if i manage to have the time...
Stay tune...
♥ connie at 11:17 PM
Monday, September 17, 2007
i want to upload photos but!!! i cant find my cable -_- *sadded* had a very creative saturday... did some art work.. hehe after i find my cable than i'll upload photos of it..
jus some miscellaneous post... life is pretty much composed now. yup.. loving it! lesser bo liao stuffs to crack my brain all over... whatever i dun wan had been discarded.. did a thorough 'cleaning'.. well hope only good things arrives =)
suppose to have so many things to blog but... i've decided not to say it out and let it by-pass....
well well well....
to be continued...
♥ connie at 10:07 PM
Friday, September 14, 2007
woOO D&D is oveerr!! previously was busy practising and now its over! hehe.. enjoyed it very much.. aft dinner busy taking photos.. eheehe.. and everyone thinks i am aniti social!! only t nite they thinks i am friendly -_-" its just tt they seldom get to interact with me so they call me anti social.. and now they know i am not! =D
with the host from the events co...



before we call it a day..

more picture can be found at sunday was jolene 21st bday.. photos can be found at the above mentioned web too... lazy to upload here.. hehe..
too much to update... yet too little time..
hehehe.. bye~
♥ connie at 10:24 PM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
the blog isnt dead!
stay tune for pics coming up on the week end!
♥ connie at 10:20 PM
Saturday, September 08, 2007
***dazzling moOves***
its september alrdy!!! so fast... tdy was busy grooving away in ballrm.. hahhaa... yes for our D&D performance.. kinda funny when we dance together.. but well its jus for FUN! we dun care abt the prizes.. we want to be there and get done with it.. hehehe..
aft done with practise i bought mooncakes home.. yupp.. kinda early but its for my parents to do QC & QA before deciding wad brand of mooncake to purchase as gifts.. my sis n cousins loves the durian.. while the snr likes white lotus.. see the different in taste bud.. so ma fan... haha.. well well.. overall its good!
been sometimes since i last posted any pic... so heres some lil pic..
taken last wk at jurong.. he climbed onto my lap and jus lie on me.. hahahaha.. he very 'hiao'...
he's growing! xiao ker ai has zhang da le. hehehe.. but stil as adorable as ever!
alrite.. so much to update for now.. guess my nxt post will be on my co. d&d.. yeah hopefully many pics to upload! =D
♥ connie at 11:30 PM
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
random rant
been sucha long time i blogged on a weekday! hehe.. yup... seldom online on wkdays too cos nxt day mus work.. *lazy*
tdy went for course over at tanglin shoppin centre.. hmm... almost fell asleep thru out the course.. hahha cannot tahan the "lecture" alike talk.. stil have one more day to go for the course... wonder wad has piled up on my in-tray at work =( had v long lunch break.. went over to Forum and shop.. omg fall in love with the kids ralph lauren... hmm did i spelled correctly? ahh well wadever... their clothes are really beautiful!!! awwe.. wonder who are those parents who buys branded stuffs for their kids... very fortunate... geez.. getting jealous over a kd..
hehe.. =P
yeah tmr can wake up 1hr ltr than my usual... cos planned to be late for course.. hahaha.. well.. the lady said can be stroll in at 9.30am.... so instead of reaching before 9am (like tdy) i'll jus reach there abt 15mins to 9.30.. =D
alright.. so much to say for now...
*To be continued
♥ connie at 10:15 PM
Saturday, September 01, 2007
its a busy and tiring week! aahhh every week is always like tat... gotta prepare my new hire stuffs.. gotta update this and that... got to prepare for d&d... everyday go to work like zombie! haha..
well anyway went costume fitting with my collegues tdy.. it was FUN! haha alot of nice and funny costumes we saw.. spent more than 2 hrs searching and trying.. mix n match of accessories @ $50.. after our costume fitting... went to cure our rumbling tummy... went concourse to buy wrappers.. its was cheap.. $1 for 5pcs... and one more design cost... $3 for 100 pcs!!! i wonder is there smthing wrong with the price or my eyes playin tricks on me.. hehe anyway dun care.. bought 50pcs @ $10.. so cheap! yeah everything to me is cheap! -_-" after buying stuffs went back to office and leave it there.. else monday those wrappers gonna be crushed!
sean came my hse and he called me... our conversation very funny..
sean: wad time you come home?
me: 4.30.. you going home already huh?
sean: yes..
me: tell ah ma dun go home so early.. i buy chocolate donut for you to eat
sean: OK
me: you like the donut last time papa buy give you eat?
sean: yes i like
me: wait for me i buy for you ok?
sean: ok
me: tell ah ma dun so early go home ok?
sean: ok
me: ok, see you later...
sean: ok.. byebye
sean always say OK OK OK.. and his OK sounds v v v v nice!!! i jus love it! haha.. he can brighten up my gloomy tiring day.. hehehe..
cant wait for monday to come.. monday i've a hand full of new hire!!!! faster gget done with it and tues be goin for my couse!!!! only thurs than back in office.. hope my work doesnt pile up... *haiz* else OT and OT liao..
a lil game to de stress..
Deal or No Deal..
♥ connie at 11:33 PM