Friday, November 30, 2007
i'm freaking out!
"oh dear what can the matter be... dear dear what can the matter be.."
hmm.. abit confused.. abit complicated.. abit neither here nor there =( always get such stuffs at yr end.. thats a "trend" alrdy.. haiz.. take a step & see how..
anyway with regards to a pretty short week.. was on 1st aid course on mon-wed.. yes!!! its FUN! haha.. did bandaging from head to toe.. heehe.. taught how to save a person from chokin.. and CPR + AED... cpr is tiring!!!! after 2cycle almost pengz.. cannot tahan to do 5cycles -_-" afterall these stuffs for 3days i'm certified! haha.. yes pretty fun! get to know abit more pple from different dept...
been staying rather late to complete my work too... yes always undone.. even tdy some stuffs are not completed yet.. due to closure of the main server..
its exactly a mth more to the yr end!!! so fast!!! and a new yr is approaching!
i'll upload photos soon from my 1st aid course! and some some miscellaneous ones!
take care have a good weekend!
♥ connie at 11:53 PM
Saturday, November 24, 2007
posts r getting wordy again! boring! nonsensical! haiz...
i am lazy to uplaods photos from my phone! bcos i lost my cable.. and in order to upload anything or backup from phone.. i need to off my hp.. take the mcard out and slot into my com mcard reader! MA FAN!!!! -_-" wanted to post pics of a few rooster or chicken or dunno wad kinda bird do you call tt.. hehe.. went to temple in the morning... and i saw rooster! and i asked er jie... can take photo not? hahaa.. sounds silly and i went ahead to snap pic of it.. dare not stand really close to it.. in any case it might attack me!!!! hahahaa..
went to consult a dr too.. the doctor said to me "YOUR THROAT IS BADLY INFLAMED!" *pengz* how the hell it kena inflammation!!! *haiz..
had a sudden urge to change my mobile... hmm... soon!! nxt mth it wud be 2yrs contract over!!! targeted several mobile in RED color.. in actual i love things in red color but not red color clothes! its kinda weird..
can't wait for mondaY! hahaha...
♥ connie at 10:39 PM
Friday, November 23, 2007
looking out the window.. the sky is orangie.. the moon is round and shining brightly. i'm jus loves to do tt.. look out if the window and up into the sky!
was on half day leave to transfer my mobile ownership to myself!!! yesh.. finally its my name after so many yrs claiming tt i want transfer.. haha.. well went pasta waraku to have lunch.. hmm.. okay la.. its not so fantastic unlike was most pple say.. had carbonara.. and also went for retail therapy. badly damage @ $198. well since i bought it alrdy.. no complains! was at taka shoppin and jus nice i saw ELMO SHOW!!! haha.. also saw erni & his another mate.. i cant rmb the other name.. hehe.. *la la lala la la lala~*
gonna lost my voice soon!!! throat hurts like hell! tmr gonna see doctor =( i hate it.. wonder how long i mus wait for consultation.. haizz...nv ate any deep fried food this few days yet it hurts.. nt bcos of tdys lunch.. its jus unknown causes. not only tt.. when i cough.. eat.. drink.. or talk too loud it hurts!!! :~( SADDED!
nxt wk attending a 3days 1st aid course.. hahaha... i am goin to "SAVE" pple! wish me luck! hehe..
oh well.. its came across my mind.. he's disappointed with me :~( *sob*
let me have a good wkend.
♥ connie at 10:52 PM
Sunday, November 18, 2007
its a great great sunday thou it rained! =D
its was so great til i paid a sum of $73++ for household detergent.. miscellaneous food.. OMMGGG!!! out of tt amt... only $5 worth of items r mine :~( machiam like kena con like tt.. hahahaha nvm once in awhile its ok.
alrite lukin fwd to my fridaY!!!!
yeaaahH!! dun disturb me & my wkend!!!
♥ connie at 10:06 PM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
had a very very good rest tdy!
morning da jie said she can be discharge... so went earlier with mum to help her pack her stuffs while bro went to fetch us at a later time.. was yawning and yawning while waiting for things to be settle. yes v v tired.
not long after being home for almost an hr or so.. i went to slp.. haha yess.. thats wad i need most!!!! slpt for more than 2hrs!!! felt so shioK!!! hehee..
since da jie is back i can revert to my usual activities...
my wisdom tooth is out! no wonder so much to wisdom nowadays -_-" well gonna have it extract.. when? i dunno.. nxt wk gonna be busy... the following wk i've course to attend.. cannot be on MC.. haiz... its almost fully packed! but stil i'll find time to shop!!!
hmm.. alrite nthing much much much to be updated...
♥ connie at 10:39 PM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
jus gt home from the hospital an hr ago... mmm...
gt a cheery bouquet of sunflower for da jie... smthing to cheer her up!! *hopefully
well her palette count is dropping... tonite she's gonna have blood transfusion to increase the count... hmm.. hopes that after tis it will increase and maintain her count... well mum is very worried.. but nvm tmr er jie gonna be on leave to accompany her... speedy recovery to my da jie!
in the afternoon... witness smthing which sends chills down my spine... few rms awy i heard loud cries of many pple... it freaked me out.. it reminds me of my late aunt at her last stage of cancer.
bypass their rm to get some warm water.. and i overheard this lady conversation. the patient had sudden heart attack and was gasping for air before he passed awy. it reminds me of my grandma, she died of heart attack too. Fear, is the word to describe how i feel. Life is so vunerable.
tdy at work yawned and yawned! yes feels very tired.. somehow feels like in outer space.. the brain seems hanging in the air.. hmm... dunno wads more stuffs i can say
♥ connie at 10:07 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
ooo.. its not a good week. da jie is hospitalized =( always high fever... but well visited tdy and she looks good! yes.. no more fever but have to be very cautions.. poor me.. lack of entertainment frm her for these few days.. well tmr took half day to accompany mum and her... hmmm gonna find smthing to cheer her up!
kinda tired... been goin work.. hospital than home late nite... next day work home hospital... energy draining alrdy... tryin to stay alive... yess wkend coming soon... luking fwd to have longer slp hrs..
when i went off from work.. i met him.. yes.. shocked to be qnted again... and i nv go and think abt the answer i am replying until i told miss khoo wad i've said to him... than i realised i sent wrong msg across!!!!!! OMGGGGGG!!!! sometimes at this moment wadever kinda answer i give are totally WRONG!!! if i face him tmr.. think i feel so pai seh mann... oooh.. *pengz*
♥ connie at 10:10 PM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
hmm.. almost back home for more than an hr ago.. well well.. stil cant slp.. cos stil full frm the dinner.. yeah 8 course dinner.. thou eat abit of each but in total it adds up to alot! anyway tmr only work in the afternoon... wonder if i'll go to work or not... or last min gotta take leave... hmmm... but gt course to attend in the afternoon3pm -_-" aarrggh... go back for 1hr course??? will see how's da jie condition in the morning...
well well... its nice to catch up with ex colleagues... and of cos the always plain lookin hwee min is transformed 360Dgree... doesnt looks like her!!! took photos but gotta wait for celeste to send it to me.. hmm.. angeline tummy is growing.. so interesting to see a person thru her pregnancy.. when i 1st joined pspl her tummy doesnt show... but now.. wow! she's due in jan.. so fast!! time flies flies flies...
mmm.. better try to get some slp now.. signing off!
♥ connie at 12:32 AM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
its a slpy wkend! better not slp on a sunday afternoon... else i wont be able to slp at nite!!!! alrite.. so lets see wad i did for my lazy wkend...
stayed home for these 2 days.. ytd went out with bro n mum... and home sweet home for the rest of the day.. suppose to make a trip to the temple but gave it a missed bcos bro is lazy to drive there!!!! -_-" so rot infront of my pc... tv.. and my bed! haha.. slpt in the afternoon.. and only slp for 15mins than my phone rings!!!! #*$&% anyway.. watch dunno wad movie on tv agian... thou we have almost all movies channel.. but stil nthing nice for this mth.. haiz...
and tdy... yeah home again! wanted to go shoppin with mum but... my relatives are here.. so stay home =) well well.. hopefully late my lil nephew comes to entertain me..
hmm.. tmr be attending hwee min wedding aft work.. tues work 1/2PM... hehe.. next wk gonna take another half day leave to go out with er jie! all nicely planned *grinz* mus spend my leave wisely.. still planning to take leavce n go cycling with my friends/colleagues... hehehe.. nt to get too excited.. afraid to disappoint myself =P
okie dokie.. so much much much for now..
♥ connie at 3:13 PM
Friday, November 09, 2007
felt kinda weird tdy... not bcos smthing weird happened. weird bcos tdy is friday and i went home after work w/o going anywhere! hahahaa... but nvm tis week been going out right afterwork consecutively.. so once in awhile to be home early is good =D hehe..
ytd went shoppin!!!! OMG!!!! damaged my bank but yet happy.. hehehe.. madness!!! i bought a new bag! from lil match girl.. yes their bags thou expensive but the material is good! 1st time mummy praise me on the bag i got.. usually she will say SO EXPENSIVE blah blah blah but ytd she said.. good material! good! hahaha..

my new bag for work... can p00ut a4 size thingy.. and oso my blazer! dun need to carry it in hand anymoree.. hehee...
no mood to do any work related stuffs tdy.. sooo... the day past by slowly... in the afternoon.. we ate ice cream!!! and my colleague got me the WALLS MOO! hahaa... very milky n creamy... tasted alrite. than again... late noon.. 5plus they went out to buy another kinda ice cream.. those u can choose with bread or biscuit or cone or cup type... our office is so so so cold and we r freezing ourselves with ICE CREAM!!! hahaha..
awhile ago... was browsing photos frm my camera... so i played with it.. some small lil stuffs i took out of bordem! yeah after a few pics the batt died on me -_-"
my MOO MOO!!!! hehehe...

and my love for Art =)

can't imagine myself 3yrs back i drew... i design... i dyed it.. i waxed it... and i completed this whole thing for my O lvl art!!!!! omgggggg!!! i'm crazy! hahhaa...
its raining now!!!!! -_-" i guess no late nite tdy cos i hate the rain at nite!!!
byebye!!!! have a great and wonderful weekend!
♥ connie at 10:26 PM
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
tired! yes i'm tired but stil nt slping.. reason? wad a waste to slp so early when tmr is a PH!!!! okay wadever abt me.. past the slping hrs and i'll be awake =)
tis week is an expensive week... birthdays treats... lunch treats.. presents =( its really OMG!!!! -__-"
monday was fine fine fine... cant really rmb much abt monday.. tues dinner to pre-celeb xixi bday... tdy had a hearty breakfast with colleagues @ canteen... afternoon celeb xixi bday with complimentary bday cake... lunch went to meet ex-colleagues from pspl @ waraku rest. to celeb celeste bday. bought her a chocolate cake from GOBI.. omg its freaking classy & PRICEY but tasty. 1st time buying it thou i worked at clarke quay for 4mths++ liao.. hmm.. nxt time gotta get those minis pastry for self- pampering.. with such a heavy breakfast + lunch + tea break.. there is totally no space for dinner... met up with xueli... yup.. the girl happening as usual.. club club club... pei fu her with such energy...
monday be attending hwee min weddin.. yeah can meet up more ex colleagues & oso the friendly doctors.. haha.. well luckily took 1/2 AM on the nxt day... else i cant crawl up from bed..
overall for this november is an expensive mth.. it kills to lead such a unhealthy life!!!! -_-"
♥ connie at 11:49 PM
Sunday, November 04, 2007
blue blue blue
the monday blues are kicking in.. =(
feels so sad!!! yes falling sick. 'FANTASTIC' MANN!!!*pengz*
wadever crap... i luk fwd to work yet i dun luk fwd to it too..
omg wad freaking crazy tots is my brainy doing!
aaaaahhhhhh... wadever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
♥ connie at 10:17 PM
Saturday, November 03, 2007
been a smooth sailing day with all my things done... brough sean to mac and he's kinda naughty when i'm makin order.. he always tell the person COFFEE... he wants to order coffee for his ah ma.. but his ah ma dun wan cos she jus had coffee.. than the person kept on laughing.. makes me so pai seh.. -_-"
these few days there's some procession goin on @ e market area... tdy afternoon on my way to the bus stop... i heard those instrument sounds.. it gt me walkin faster.. bcos.. it reminds me of her, the very last day. hmmm... awhile ago went down to the living and looked out... brightly lit vehicles and there were many pple walkin on the street... mum say there's one of the Chinese god walkin.. it gt my heart pumped even faster.. bcos it reminds me of wad grandma saw days before she's gone..
sometimes back... took the route that leads to the crematorium... it reminds me of the very last day we followed very closely behind nt losing a glimpse of her.
what can i say... all that's left was... Memories.
well... received a call.. and somehow it got me on my thots again... kinda ponder...
what if she is still around.. how would things turn out to be like? i would still be fully occupied everyday sunday with her presence. and of cos received her phone call on everyday sunday morning between 9am to 10am.. she would call without fail asking the same question. thou its the same answer but i'll gladly answer and chat with her before seeing her at a later time. it just keeps me wondering..
How different if that doesn't happen at all and we're all still the same.... I Wonder.
ok not gonna be an emo post.. jus some random tots i've...
was surfing the net and equinox restaurant came to my mind.. heard many good comments and feedback.. and i asked my sis when r we goin there for dinner.. she said expensive but so long as i make reservation i'll have half price of my total bill.. as long as its' any of our sisters' hotel... almost everything is half price with me dining in! got to start planning for my sisters n cousins to have a meal together at ellenborough market cafe... *plan plan plan*
alrite... the post will comes to an end for now.
♥ connie at 10:09 PM