Saturday, December 29, 2007
tdy... saw some terrible stuffs that happened between 3 medium size dogs & a small cat beside my hse.. heard dad said.. 3dogs bite a cat!!! quickly with bro and sis we went out and see.. omg its damn gross.. the 3dogs had killed the cat and they are biting or shud i say eating the cat????? lived here for many yrs alrdy but we didnt see those 3 dogs b4. so we tot they r stray dogs.. the owner of the cat failed to chase awy the dog with a long pole.. those dog stood beside the dead cat and looked at the cat owner. we decided to call the police bcos those dogs might kee siao and bite and passer by. police came.. not long after tt, the dog owner came and catch his 3 dogs... polices followed the man to his place.. and well well.. wadever that takes place after tt we dunno... probably FINES.. oh well.. if wan to breed pets make sure they are well trained or dun let them anyhow wander ard!!!
my new phone is so ker lian.. no more nice msges =( no more nice photos =( so many things no more.. thou stil have my old phone with me.. i have the urge to change back and use the old one.. hahahaa.. yes i buy new phone to keep!
hmm... monday gonna be half day....
♥ connie at 11:06 PM
Friday, December 28, 2007
So happy! i gt my new mobile! hahaha.. gt a red/silver nokia e65. ytd after work went down to hello shop and gt it! but i didnt trade in my n6680.. cos at tt point of time busyin smsing la.. cannot bear to say gdbye to it.. hehealrie i'm crazy but so long as overall does not cost 300bucks and above will do. =)
ytd had xmas celebration with e security & engring dept.. havoc in HR... crazy party tat went on for 2hrs.. hmm.. it was enjoyable.. yet confusing.. anyone who takes photo will say.. "I WILL SHOW IT TO MY MUM.." yeah.. show to mum... -_- worst of all... take pic with him.. took so many pics still say not good.. its not not nice.. he's trying to be funny la... damn embarrassed in front of everyone -_-" take photo with others he claimed he's disappointed.. wad am i suppose to do?
mmm.. wad can i say abt things tt r happening in my life now? its rather complicated.. somehow the whole dept knows abt it??? its abit stress to see the grp of them.. in front of all of them i acted as thou nothing happened.. haiz..
don't know :~(
its jus few more days to the end of yr2007.... so much things happened in a yr yet it seems to happened ytd... i will update soon again..
not in the proper state to continue it.
♥ connie at 11:38 PM
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
♥ connie at 10:31 PM
Saturday, December 22, 2007
random random...
woke up and it doesnt feels like saturday.. more like a wkday =P but well anyway. it rained on and off almost the whole day... but stil proceed to step out of the hse...
went to the temple and saw my cuite sean sean there toO! well.. he saw me frm afar... and he ran towards me and hug me.. hehehe... nv waste my effort on him when he was a baby.. hehe.. tricked him by asking him to call me jie-jie.. but he still calls me "ah-ee".. nthing can change the way he greet me.. since young he has been calling me "connie ah-ee" so no matter wad others ask him to call me he will still call ah-ee.. made my day despite of the rain! =D
late noon went to collect log cake i ordered from e hotel.. hmmm.. walked pass recep. somehow everyone doesn't recognise me like tt.. e doorman says i luk so different cannot recognise me -_- jus bcos i'm in casual and not in my usual corp office wear n no make up.. so cant recognise me... luk so different meH? *sadded*
i wish monday doesnt come!!! cos there would be loads of stuffs to clear at work!!!! =(
♥ connie at 11:20 PM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
its a rainy rainy day! yup... rained all the way in the morning @ 9 til now it has yet to stop. anyway not goin out.. so its a nice nice day to stayy home =D
it has been a pretty fast moving week...
monday took half day to accompany mum for her check up @ gleneagles... before tt i went taka to shop for xmas present... thou its a week day but its very crowded!!! waited for cab but the queue was so so so long!!! and its raining heavily!!! so... on-call for cab to the hospital and meet mum there.. on rainy day to call for a cab is not easy too... waited for 15mins before e cab arrives.. its an expensive day!
nting much for tues except for staff comm... had difficult time handling 2 ang moh bosses =(
ytd was the chocolate fair! it went pretty well with almost everything cleared at 2 different shift.. =D ! 1st time organising such thingy... pretty interesting.... some even came back to the hotel on their off days to make their purchase... it really cheap.. chocolates are sold out very very fast! engr bought it in cartons!overall... glad that it went successfully!
went for dinner with my dept.. suppose to go dempsey hill for dinner.. but have no rest. in mind... so after much alternatives we settled for dinner at "the magical pot of chong chin restaurant" dunno did i rmb the name correctly or not.. its located at tanglin shoppin mall... i think we are rather cool.. in our suit we stil can eat steamboat.. but we dun sweat at all.. haha had 3 different kinda soup base.. chicken.. spicy.. veg.. the spicy is medium type... taste rather okay... cant imagine 5pax ate up to a total bill of 200++bucks!!! we are horrible peeps! hahahaha
only gt a few photos bcos we got to feed out hungry hungry tummy! hehe..
the staffs are friendly... they are helpful too.. gave us a bigger table before tt we sat in a table for 4...
setting up of our hot-pot..

this is the 8 treasure tea.. it is said to reduce the spicy-ness.. well.. i dun feel tt way leh.. cos its sweet! but it taste good..

lastly... the mgr re-filling our tea! look at the long stout of the pot..

after this pic we jus ate and ate.. hehe.. and exchanged our xmas present.. these are what i received..

black polo tee.. black m)phosis hand carry bag.. Sins chcolate thats very very sinful.. and lastly something super chee-na.. its those hand carve chinese chop with my name...
nxt wk wil have another post xmas cum bday celebration with the security and engring.. wil be slightly poorer again.. mm.. but afterall its a nice nice yr end! and a nice peeps to work with! hahahahahahah
♥ connie at 2:49 PM
Sunday, December 16, 2007
oh my oh my... i dunno wad am i thinkin... it's kinda realistic.. yet unrealistic too.. somehow... some what... had a feeling of uncertainity... things seems blurred...
hmm... (dunno how to continue)
ytd went amk to play with my lil nephew and niece!

ayden! omg he is so so chubby!!
♥ connie at 10:07 PM
Friday, December 14, 2007
did a silly test.. what flower are you? and here's my result...
I'm a foxglove.
You really want to be a good person, but you have this little mischievous streak that seems to get in the way. Deep down you mean well, but you are just so good at being just a little bit bad.
yess i really want to be a good person but dunno y always end up tt way.. hehe..
oh well... tdy work til rather late... =( or shud i say this week been workin til very late.. well well... never ending stuffs for yr end.. tons and tons of paper work..but i'm perfectly fine! tdy at work rather crazy.. met a crazy applicant -_-" freaky mann! not to say abt her... haven been goin out!!! OMMGGG!!! had plans on after work but gave it a missed!!!!! cos work late by than i go shoppin nthing much to shop =(
nxt wk will be a short week!! hehe...organised activities at the canteen... 1st time organising for staff welfare... getting the bqt dept to do arrangement for me.. sending email to all at smc... getting all kinda call after tt... haha.. its fun anyway! wait til wed to see how well the response is.. hmmm.. hopefully it superb! hahaha.. *dreaming dreaming*
tmr be shoppin! i mus get at least an item or 2!!!! be bringing my stuffs for alteration.. so after tt shun bian SHOPPIN.. wont travel far due to my laziness.. hehee... i guess within an afternoon everything shud be done! and home sweet home to nap! well planned afternoon. =P it doesnt sounds fantastic thou.... but i'll stil proceed so as to get stuffs i need
getting slpy.. hehe.. so ending this post with a photo with my bro & sis on da jie bday! and i realised i look so dark!!!

have a great weekend!
♥ connie at 11:39 PM
Thursday, December 13, 2007
xmas is ard the corner and i haven buy any gifts yet!!!!! haha.. well well will get all stuffs by sat!!!! again will bo broke.. haix... well.. next week is a short week! took half day here and there.. havin dept dinner.. mini xmas celebration with this and tt dept .. woOohOo~ bankrupt! but stil i'm lukin fwd *grinz*
ytd was da jie bday! and last min gt her surprised bday cake, Guanaja~ the always so delicious chocolate cake!!! took some silly photos too.. wanted to upload it.. but after searching for it.. than i realised da jie took the camera to work tdy -_-"
oh well......
stay tune for more updates!
all i wan for xmas is........ nthing!!!
♥ connie at 10:30 PM
Saturday, December 08, 2007
2nd post for the day!! i cant concentrate on my report!!! unable to print cos i haven dl the update for my printer!!!! i cant find the update too.. haiz... trying very very hard to focus.. FOCUS!
i saw some meaning-ful phrases on this lil bear.. so being nice as usual let me share with you... haha
here it says...
The thought is to think of you..
The eye is to look at you..
The heart is to love you..
The arm is to hug you..
The leg is to run for you..
Take me with you...
alrite.. a lil post dated pics...
first aid training course... nisha always bandage me up when the trainer says "u may starts taking turns to bandage your partner up"
arm sling bandage..

half of the class! haha.. all gt the same "injury"..

not to post any more.. cos i gotta continue reading and understandin e report!!!!
have a good night rest peeps!
♥ connie at 10:58 PM
its a stay home week end again! yes its a tiring tiring week thou on one of the day i had nthing much to do la.. even thou it may be tiring but stil i am enjoying it.. very rare to find myself lovig something which kills me.. haha.. changed changed changed! tonite gotta read thru some reports... *pengz* wad a last min thing to do!!! after monday it would be a sight of relieve to everyone.. *phew*
xmas gifts exchange is jus 2weeks away... and i haven even search for presents!!!! suppose to go and shop ytd but worked til 8!!! so went home instead.. as for tdy.. i jus wanna be home... have long long naps again.. haha
hmm.. i feel like changing my phone! hehe.. yes yes.. contract is up.. but no phone in mind yet.. mmm... i like the red color of sony ericsson w910i but.. i dislike its function la.. stil prefer nokia.. nokia e65? nokia 6500 slide? nokia n76? hmm.. surfing the net and i saw n82 and LG KU970.. looks very cool.. well... wait for xmass tt wk.. than check out wad great promo they've.. hehe gettin cheapo!!! anyway m phone stil gt trade in value of 100bucks.. so long as i dun need to fork out more than 200-250bucks can liao.. haha...
recently bro gave me a huge huge files of mp3 songs... and wadever songs i wanted are there.. and kinda like this song.. "Imagine me without you".. cant cut to be ring tone due to the lack of software!!!!! -_-" use to have the prog in my previous com... haiz..
wil continue my post tonite!
taking up too much time in draggin this post. =)
♥ connie at 3:46 PM