Saturday, January 26, 2008
alrite... here to post abit more than ytd. hehe..
had another game of badminton again tis wk! from 9 to 11.. played with da jie and her frenz.. it was tiring. played my last game with her fren husband.. omg less than 15mins i cannot tahan.. hands starts to tremble! hahahaha.. before hand played with da jie and jolene for a long period.. and now my arms gets tired easily.. hehe lousy stamina! at least not as bad as last week. an energy consuming morning!
after tt again planned to go back office.. but again woke up early felt rather slpy!! so went to bed hrs after tt.. felt super energise aft my nap =D "battery" fully charged! went shopping at habourfront! hmm... everything i oso wanna buy.. but budget constrain.. well nvm.. and esprite is having SALES! so happoily walked in with da jie tried their demin jeans! me n my sis v funny. i like the one she took while she likes the one i took.. so end up.. i bought the one she took.. and she bought the one i took.. hehe.. we care for each other! went giant and seriously i feel like buying almost every single item except detergents la.. time to shop for new yr stuffs and such..
ytd xiao bai stayed overnite at my hse... took this pic in the morning.. he was slping! very cute...

i did took photo with mocha-xiao hei('sausage dog') but he blend in with the surroundings! too black le.. cant see him...
work load has been pretty consistent with things to accomplished daily but yet never 100% complete.. haix.. and again kitten was found in our ceiling again! 4 kittens and a mother cat.. all very fierce! but well they are being sent to spca.. wonder r they put to slp or someone adopt them.. mmm..
currently check up and organising activities for employees.. hmm.. nt easy.. everyhting starts from scratch... but it wud be fruitful after everything runs smoothly and sucessfully.. gotta make sure it turs out well.
these days things been goin on nicely.. but than.. i dunno if both of them knows they r doin the same thing? and even if they find out abt each other doing.. i hope it wont affect them... well.. gt to be extra careful with my each step..
alrite.. cny is jus a week plus awy.. haven even do any spring cleaning or do wad i shud do.. haix.. slow slow slow~
so much thots and doings for now..
♥ connie at 11:48 PM
Friday, January 25, 2008
butterflies butterflies!
i'll update real soon...
i'm jus kinda slightly more busy than usual..
jus slightly more tired than usual..
jus slightly more or this and that.
hmm.. i'm busy!
♥ connie at 11:52 PM
Sunday, January 20, 2008
jus realised i spent quite alot this mth! damn.. no idea where and wad did i spent on!! haix.. pay day pay day... where r u??
whole body aches like hell! cos long time didnt play any sports.. ytd played badminton with da jie joanne n jolene.. it was crazy! we said dun play too 'fierce' but somehow during the game we played using lots of energy! thou the game was an hour but it seems to last for more than that.. the coming sat gonna play with da jie frenz... mus get involve in more activities soon.. hmmm~ *planning*
while taking a rest.. our barang barang..
after our game... we cooked Phat Thai & Tom Yum soup! hahaha... we said no use exercising after the game wadever that was burnt was gained back.. hehe. but well everything is for leisure purposes..
on fri met xueli for dinner.. tried azabu sabo..

this green tea ice cream w mochi and red bean paste taste gd but kinda too sweet..
well.. was told by colleagues its very fantastic.. but well.. overall ok to me.. stil i prefer Tonkichi..
its less than 3wks to cny.. wonder if i luk fwd to it or its jus another ordinary day with relatives @ my hse? usually 1st day we will visit granny & stay for dinner.. but now she's gone... how different its going to be? well.. await to see hw the day gonna be like...
sometime i see him.. i feels so weird! and whn i saw the other i oso feels the sametoo.. when i saw both of them at the same time.. i wish i can disappear into the thin air. pondering wads on their mind and does both parties know abt what is happening? probably shud find a time, get both out and talk... *probably*
it's just another random post.
♥ connie at 9:34 PM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Life is great.
i'm lying.
will update soon.
♥ connie at 11:45 PM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I am so upset =(
really upset til i dunno wad to say =(
:~( on the verge of crying manN!
what a day =(
♥ connie at 10:19 PM
Friday, January 11, 2008
wads happening :~( a confusing 2008 beginning...
last week was that... this week was this.. well whole wk didnt bump into him only during lunch for once.. well at least that better.. but tdy.. another thing happened.. somehow its thhe same matter but different person! *pengz pengz pengz* haix.. wad a gd start for e yr =(
work load was pretty heavy for this week! tiring til i cannot tahan almost everyday reached at 8.28am was late once for a minute!!! -_-" sourcing out location to held our family day.. hmm.. last yr was at siloso beach.. wanted to have it at singapore flyers but.. alot of factors to think abt.. than again some nice locations came to my mind and again.. i mus think abt those kids the employee will bring along.. gotta think of several objectives.. annyone has ideas to contribute?
monday on leave!!! yess! get awy frm my work for at least a day!!!whatever on monday jus make sure my phone dun ring with office number appearing..
forsee a hectic yr ahead?
♥ connie at 11:01 PM
Saturday, January 05, 2008
I'm slightly using more brain cells tdy!
some lil reflections to yr 2007. it was a pretty fast yr that swooOosh past me..
Jan - crazy piahing projects and mugging for exams.. wan nthing but to pass and not fail my modules..
Feb - graduated with a diploma in multimedia & infocomm! and being jobless for months! hehe.. i only wan to work aft i know my results.. haahhaa
Mar - i'm 21! celebrated my 21st bday.. and my actual birthdate falls on the 15th day of CNY! and also in this month... i lost my beloved Granny on the 29th. heart wrenching moment...but she left us with beautiful memories.
Apr - went for my official 1st job interview thou i totally dun care abt it.. cos not in the mood aft granny's wake and everything. but who knows.. 1st interview and on the day itself i am EMPLOYED! lucky chance! worked as temp hr asst for pspl.. and surprisingly the executive is my da jie pri sch mate -_-"
May - stil working for pspl.. enjoying my daily journey of 10mins bus ride.. and others envy me for tt short journey to and fro.. hehehe..
June - decided to leave pspl for smc when they found a new permanent replacement.. rmb my interview at smc was the most relaxing and longest interview i've from those few i attended.. another new phase of life/work had begun.. somehow my lil'thots of workin in a hotel had come true.. hehe =P but i accepted smc not bcos of wad i want but its to have greater exposure and gain the experience..
Sep/Oct - gt my confirmation! and its also the month when all crazy things that happened after the d&d.. get to know more pple.. impression to many pple changed.. no more the proud person =)
purchased my pc after bring computer-less for many mths! heheehe..
Nov/Dec - a mth full of celebrations/surprises/shocks/confusing and wadever stuffs.
so i can conclude yr 2007 is a fulfilling one! nthing gone down the drain except for some lil hiccups =)
♥ connie at 11:58 PM
its 2008! wOOo.. wonder if i shud say a good or bad yr to start with.. well.. not expecting much..
alrite.. to start of with my happening 1st day of 2008 January is celebratin dads' bday! well.. mum cooked and we helped out.. haha i guess it shud be messed up hehe.. pictures pictures!
i was so facinated when i saw these huge palm size prawns!!! to make the dish cocktail prawn salad..

in the process of cookin'...

jolene and i jus cant get enuf of the prawns... hehe..

er jie carrying.. xiao hei! hehe.. sausage doggie!

gt a cake from rive gauche again! exotic orange.. taste good! it was a simple celebration yet fun! usually its my family & jolenes family that celeb most occassions together.. =D family bonding!
this week at work its really busy and alot alot alot of things to do!!! yet its not done yet =( system always always gt problem. haiz.. coming wk be busy toO! tired yet cant slp over the wkend... constructions work going on surroundin my hse... how to slp!! ytd was out... only gerald knows how i feel *sob sob* and gerald nv come to my rescue... :~( went home on her own... *gggrrrr!! hehe..
met my colleague aft work.. thou felt damn bloody weird weird weird at the beginning.. i wished i could disappear anytime.. but well.. went to sit and talk over coffee.. mmm.. pretty fine conversations.. Simple. That's all i can say.
My 恶魔 & 天使 is confusing me! *pengz*
tdy sean sean came over my place.. i wanted to go tpy but he came!!! so i end up staying home.. and well it rained... so nv go out as planned. it was a pretty nice late afternoon to nap aft he left.. cos its raining.. the weather is cooling!!! but after dozing off for 1/2hr xiao zhu came to disturb me -_-" well 1/2 hr is better than nthing.. hehehe
alrite.. thats so much for my 1st post of 2008!
i wished for a good yr ahead!
♥ connie at 11:08 PM