Saturday, May 31, 2008
another week end is here... another new month is approaching too!!!
the week was fine fine...
on one of the day.. it was hilarious... i encountered these in just 15mins...
- pple gets jealoused over simple conversations..
thats' very him..- had social excort for the few 15mins..
thats' the usual him..- prevented from goin home..
he is bored..- also gt pple chased me home..
its only 7pm..- pple who offer to send me home, but only at 11pm! -_-"
- invitation to karaoke with songs dedicated..
but i dun sing..all these r funny within that short few minutes had a rubbish talk with 5 big men.. and they r warned by the boss, not to bully me.. its leads to a few more another days of funny incidents.. at times its can be very fun yet at times it can be really really dull... of cos i wish for more fun days than dull ones!
its just 2 weeks more to family day!!! seems like time is running out! seems like many things are not done... BUT actually almost everything is done.. jus that some stuffs needs to inform and confirmation only. also afraid to have glitches on the day!!!! *faints* needs proper planning!!!
nothing much to bother about, but stil there are changes to things... its cold. mmm.. let it be natural.. others say.. i am always very cool and calm even it affects me.. but how can i show it out.. if i do that it will be full of @#$%^&... haix.. mmm.. i cant conclude wad is happening now nor predict wad is goin to happen next. its abit complicated as it seems with all her doing. she's cannot accept it and being an eye-sore tryin to gain something that she doesnt wan...
being focused i'm nt goin to fall for her trick... may she gets her revenge upon fulfilling her "task". wad a bitch!
ok ok..may next week be a better week! =)
♥ connie at 11:16 PM
Monday, May 26, 2008
That's all.
♥ connie at 10:27 PM
Saturday, May 24, 2008
yes its stil morning !! i am blogging in the morning before i forget wad i wanna blog abt.
i had a dream ytd... and my alarm woke me up to get ready for work!!! :~( it got me rather sad.. but to find myself half awake smiling like siao hahahaha.. the dream was soOOooOo so so SOOOO REALLLL!! OMG~!!! sweet dream. but most pple wud say dream are often the opposite!! NOOOO WAY!!! hehe.. wont elaborate the whole dream.. in short, the dream and journey ahead seems forever.
thou had a long long dream... i tot i wud be v v tired at work.. but nope. pretty fine at work.. manage to work til 9pm!!! -_-" yess that was crazy.. and stil left with many incomplete stuffs. wanted to stay even later but i dun wanna bump into them on my way home. so left early... kinda no life with such hours everyday. my goal for next week. clear everything before she leaves!
tues met up with our regional vp for dinner at quayside seafood restaurant.. it was good! dine by the river is nice too...
thurs was on leave.. to send my granny sister-in-law on her last journey.. atmosphere was bad. she's off to another world.
hmm.. wads my plan for tdy??? gss?? just started so better not go shoppin yet. now pple chiong like mad so wait for it on-going for awhile before shpooin..
so much for now.. have fun over the weekend!
♥ connie at 11:23 AM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
i got the answer... noted.
sense it pretty accurate.
well well well, all the best.
fine as i seem.. upset i might be.
♥ connie at 10:17 PM
Sunday, May 18, 2008
ard 9plus received a call from my uncle.. saying that one of our relative had passed away. she's like another grandma of ours... when i heard about it.. Granny came to my mind. another is lost. the sufferings she had, had come to an end. last yr she had sudden stroke and was wheel chair bound. she only respond by holding on to the person and grip tight... well.. thats life.. pple come and go.
the week passed by.. with much irritatin issues and pple.. haix.. almost kill this person. there is no patience in this person.. felt like smacking tis person hard and reprimand. cant the person use the brain and think. how many person i can talk to at once with all bombarding to me on different things. fook! wonder how much longer can i tahan such nonsence.... with all these issues faced... it slipped my mind on someones' bday.
anyway.. on fri.. went pasta waraku for dinner.. yessss been some times since i went out after work.. aft tt.. went coffee club.. muddy pie!!! a very chocolatie night. sat went out for dinner again! cheesey-dinner! too many good food consecutively.. SIN-FUL!
so many things have happened.. things may be sudden... afterall its a matter of acceptance of everything or not. well.. i can't assure myself of everything. that's the "wall" defending myself frm all these... i get rather confused at time too.
alrite.. aside for my unhappiness.. its gloomy gloomy.. perk it up with last week mother's day celebration... in conjunction with jingxi bday..

only 1 photo frm mother day.. hehhe kids are the highlight of the day!
recently not much photos... well well well... hopefully more in the future..
was logged onto facebook so did some quizes... i find the quiz "What type of bride are you" is kinda true.. here u go..
You Will Be an Unconventional Bride!
You're probably the type of girl who never considered getting married - until you met *him* You're not a big fan of white dresses, church weddings, or cheesy DJ's That's okay - you'll do it your way... whether that means a Vegas wedding or guys as bridesmen While you may not toss the bouquet (or have anyone to toss it to), it will still be the most romantic day of your life!and quiz... "what kinda heart.."
which i finds... hmmm... ???
You fall in love quickly and easily.You give so much in a relationship, and you don't expect much in return. You love always seeing your lover and you just love them as they are.You have a huge desire to whomever you love and you stay in love foreverfrom above... one word.. FAITHFUL! hahaha..
thats all. happy holiday - vesak day.
♥ connie at 10:23 PM
Saturday, May 10, 2008
another very very random post...
I felt so guilty after thinkin over what happened. =( i should have show MORE patience when explaining and questioned on the doubts. But No, I got rather irritated instead. Very impatient. its not mood swing but somehow... too many tots running in my head.. felt irritated with myself.
a week at work which passed peacefully.... manage to go off before 7pm for few days... contented. futher to next month i dun think i will be able to go off that early anymore. haix~ dun foresee anything great yet..
well.. another wkend had past w/o much stuffs done... my sister future MIL came and discuss on wedding and stuffs with my parents.. pretty interesting to c her mother in law for the 1st time... usually sis will tell jus abt her, and we visualised her... different frm my own version.
plan to study at e end of e yr... sounds like long way to go but its not.. cos i've started to work 1year already!!!!the word S-T-U-D-Y freaks me out! but... after some considerations.. felt tt if i want to continue in hr sector.. i'll need to get at least a certificatn in hr cos mine is IT dip.. hmmm.. frm shri dip in hrm will takes 1.5years... fees wise its reasonable.. hmm..time to do calculations... costings.. i dun wan to be bonded with co. for tt.
oh well.. tmr is Mother's Day! will try to capture n upload photos for tmr celebrations.. heard tt bro is bringing his gf home.. hmmm... let's see for ourselves.. no comments.
♥ connie at 11:22 PM
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
It doesn't feels good.
Not at all.
For no reason.
The feeling is so different.
So perfect.
And all so mixed up.
What is wrong mann?
♥ connie at 10:12 PM