Sunday, June 29, 2008
i spent money agaiN!!! omgg!!! i went to make a new pair of glasses... and its cost me almost 300bucks! cannot tahan.. usually my glasses r less than 200.. this time round dunno wad got onto me.. shit!!! tried Lacoste and Puma glasses both are nice! but i need a pair that can match my office wear.. so went for rimless ones again.. da jie say suits me.. GOOD! the price is even more GOODY! my spending power is accelerating too fast!
SERIOUSLY IN NEED OF PROPER SELF CONTROL. week is a new new week.. have a superb week!
.*[be part of the small lil' team]*.
♥ connie at 8:59 PM
Saturday, June 28, 2008
i woke up... followed my plan as per ytd... and within 2 hrs...
i spent on another suit.. more tops.. southhaven dress.. paid bill.. haaha.. for next mth no no shoppin.. and usually i dun pay my credit card bill tt early.. but tdy axs machine is nearby and so i went to pay!!!! *faints* anyway.. happy with my shoppin! hehe..
i am so so so sad with my leg... wanted to puchase an item at the bottom shelf.. BUT i can't even squat w/o feeling the pain on my knee cap!! gt the feeling if i were to go any lower the muscle gonna SNAP manN!!! the pull inside *ouch*!!!!
planning to seek further treaetment... ang moh doctor sure say X-RAY *faint* kill my cells! chee-na doctor will massage at the injured area.. it can get worst if the dr doesn't get it right.. *haix~
last sunday.. da jie was doing a bouquet of flower for er jie weddin photo shot... entertained myself by playin with hp camera mode.. well i seldom do such things.. but this time round i did! hehe..
normal mode.. b&w mode.. sepia mode and negative mode... on roses

purple tulips..

hmm... that's all! i'm just too lazy to continue :-)
♥ connie at 11:32 PM
Friday, June 27, 2008
weekend is here!
oh well.. i was checking out some f&b outlets @ the central for next friday appreciation dinner.. they wanted to try ma maison.. checked out other alternatives too.. and i realised... after dinner we can chill out at
Helipad.. *heaven* hehe.. and oso Harry's Bar is opening one at central too.. but i nv see any shops making space for it leh.. or maybe bcos i seldom shopped there.. wadever la.. there r just too many places to chill but seldom get the chance to do so..
tmr.. i've so many things i wanna do.. decided not to go back to work.. thou my filing is piling.. i'll make a trip to hbf center and submit some long over due application at sing post... by then it wud be 11plus.. can go and purchase my dress and heels! after tt.. if stil gt extra time can go a little further on my expenditure!!!self reward on the 1st anniversary. hahahah yes all sorts of excuses to shop! hehehe..
have a great great weekend peeps!
♥ connie at 10:45 PM
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I'm blogging in the afternoon!!!
cost i'm home! last min took leave due to my bu zhen qi de leg... it hasnt recovered.. ytd was worst bcos i forced myself to squat down and pick up stuffs that i dropped... the feeling was terrible!!!! furthermore still can wear heels.. bu zhi si huo. luckily most of my things are dine.. except for some minor issues which can be settle on friday... probably make a trip back to work on saturday... my desk is in a mess!! messy messy meEESSYYY!!! monday i'll have new trainees to handle.. tues have MORE trainees and new hires.. omg omg.. and also.. i've trainees who are endin their attachments soon!! 1st time gt this kinda issues.. will survive!!!!
okay enuf of my complains... i'll go find things to do..
i'm bored!!!!
♥ connie at 1:06 PM
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Long long post....
lack of updates recently... so i'll recap... hmmm... probably starting from 2 weeks back... (i'm sure i'll missed out things here and there..)
online shopping!!! yess.. J-Shoppers its a jap online shoppin webby.. nice clothes from formal to casual.. but kinda pricy.. gt myself 2 tee-shirt.. it cost less than SGD$20 for one piece.. material is good too!!! hehe
here tis is my no.1!
i luv this green!
dunno y recently likes green top to go with my black bottoms.. kinda siao!
da jie gt herself bag n top... wadever it is... NO SHIPMENT FEES! that y we went ahead to buy...
cant rmb much that happened 2 weeks back... it swished-swooshed past me for the week... time fliess...
last week sat was Family Day! had fun.. the whole week was kinda tedious!!! several major issues to follow up wif.. stressed yet luk fwd for the day.. Bottle Tree Park is 10mins walk from Khatib mrt station.
There are..
- Longkang fishing for the kids...
- Prawn fishing competition for family & frens participation...
- Paintball competition between the various departments..
- Massage services by the Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped..
- Telematches for all, Stage games for kids... musical chair.. Fathers' Day special
stage game... Games stall.. Kids corner with various activities lined up for them... these are managed by the events co...
thou at the initial stage things turned kinda nt so smooth.. but managed to settle it.. hmm.. panicky!
well.. will only post 2 pics of it... else i'll be posting other pple un-glam photos..
the stage with e banner...

and this is the whole tentage of ours..

see the pond on the left.. that where it allows pple to rent the swan and peddle it.. its available only after 5pm!!! upset.. didnt get a chance to recap my childhood memories.. hehe

its still morning before 8am.. together with events co. doing out setup.. the crowd only came in at abt 9.30am.. and the place comes to life at abt 10.. only at 2plus than i get to reset!!! had a nice yet un-known topics chat with pple frm e event co... it was sucha a warm day till...i'm 2 tone darker at e end of the day!!!!! =(
committee felt e event co is professional.. so.. if we engaged them again for our d&d they gotta thank me manN!!! if nv speak up for them at the 1st meeting, it wont be them anymore.. kekeke.. long story~
fathers day!
had buffet celebration with relatives invited! nice get-together.. loads of photo.. but again.. selectively..
buffet..again cant rmb it YLS or YSL catering.. hehe..

my lil cousin enjoying his food..

star for the day.. Fathers or Father-to-be..

the cake was from janes cake station.. durain cake & chocolate cake.. its nice but the durain not as heavenly as emi's cake..
xixi enjoyin his durain cake..

nephew Ayden! taken with aunt.. he is so easily amused.. threw the ball to him and my aunt uses his hand to catch it.. he gets so excited..

see how happy he is!!!!

we did took photos with him but requires editin and i'm kinda lazy to do now.. hehe.. cos he's stil young so we nv use flash.. flash light will be too tough for his eye.. Thats all for the Fathers' Day celebration.
and for this week.. practically there is nthing much.. except being overload again.. felt so upset.. and i wonder... is this wad i wanna do for life?? yet again.. designing/events/coordinator came to my mind.. that's wad i like to do.. even before any recent suggestions.. yet i dunno wad is holding me back.. nt sure of it yet. *ponder~* on wed it will be my 1st yr with my 1st full time job!!!! OMMGGG!!!!! 1 year!! i survived 1 year with my 1st job! hahahhaa..
my wish had come true.. so is it time?? hmm.. *ponder again~
ytd went harbour front.. bought a pair of shoe for work wanted to get another pair but.. CONTROL my temptation.. hehe.. but will go back there to get heels for the upcoming weddings..hahaa..
tdy went shopping.. went to taka having the intention to buy e shoe for work.. which cost $115.00 and i took weeks to decide.. i went there.. no stock le!!!!abit disapponted but nvm... there's always MORE to come...
i tried a white color dress from South haven!!! love it!! will decide to buy it or nt by this week... and oso went daniel yan.. saw e dresses pretty!!!! can consider gettin it for joanne n er jies' weddin.. mmm.. this one will need much much more time to consider to buy or not.. hehe..
and lastly on my next mth shoppin list.. a new gadget!!!!! dunno wan to get a new mobile phone... or a psp in deep red... or a ds lite in white.. how abt a vaio cr notebook in blazing red.. or a new sony T-series camera in red??!! hahaha... i love all those in red!!! if ds-lite comes in red of cos it gonna be red...
Dear Friends,
Even thou a psp/ds lite is kinda outdated, Vaio CR notebook is kinda old model and i still have my desktop and why another camera when I have one alrdy.
I've no answer to these qnts...
Kindly please advise.
Thank you.
Conniehahaa sounds so sick.. as thou sending email to office pple like tt... i'm relieving stress la.. please bear with me.
tmr guess i'll go have my knee cap treated! haha yess.. injured it last sat and i can bear with it for a week.. stil can wear heels.. go shopping.. but tdy it gt worst after i kneel down and stand up.. boh dio seh than it's even more painful =(
alrite.. i guess this is the longest post dunno since when... have a good weekend!
jus realised i took almost an hr to post this post!! better get going... May everyday be a BETTER day!!!
[*i wish i wish i wish.. i wish everything to be True.Good or Bad still the truth.*]
Listening to "Whine Up" and it reminds me of him...
♥ connie at 11:03 PM
♥ connie at 12:48 AM
Sunday, June 15, 2008
I felt irritated with myself!!! =(
Tooo brainy to elaborate, plan, search & found.
Conclusion: Disappointment.
Before searching, i can sense it pretty accurate. Sometimes realising the truth can be so so sad.. not knowing the truth oso sad. omg wtf mann! Whatever it is, i've this memories aside.
Will upload pic on the nxt post...
Its another new week approaching.
♥ connie at 9:59 PM
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Come to it...
It's spinning around.
I feel so lousy.
Need a break. =(
♥ connie at 11:57 PM
had family day today at bottle tree park... its very warm!! til i turn chao tah.. it was fun la.. events co. is good too.. and the emcee is actually e boss! not very old and he owns the co. for like donkey years!!! unbelievable!
will post pic sometimes later..
Somehow, all will need to come to an end.
I'm tired.
♥ connie at 10:33 PM
Saturday, June 07, 2008
This is my post number 444!!!
its so 'SI' with so many glitches.. drastic changes with e upcoming event... i'm really stressed... drained to the extreme!! taking a break of my work before continuing later... who can understand that kinda feeling i'm feeling now?! FFUUUCCCKK!!!! I HATE THAT BITCH! 'kioh-sai' mann!
it weekend and i am home doing my work.. wth.
overall i had lil'ayden to brightens up my day!

time to get back to work :-(
i hate so many things....esp in life.
♥ connie at 11:34 PM