Saturday, July 26, 2008
its a good day! my items from online shoppin had arrived! 4 t-shirts & 2 camisole.. 4
in e morning wvisited my uncles at amk.. played with nephew ayden.. he's so funny.. when my aunt wants to feed him porridge he shooked his head very and closed his mouth very tight.. but when tried to feed him with other food he wants to eat.. had a hard time feeding him so he ends up drinkin milk.
gt back home and get ready to go for joanne n joseph solemnisation @ changi village hotel.. da jie was driving n giving jason some riddles.. so we laugh n laugh until we ends up going to terminal 2!! hahaa.. it was hilarious... so lesson learnt.. concentrate when u r driving!!!
e solemnisation the poolside for abt 30pax sit down buffet dinner.. nice setting they've but area kinda small.. took many pics but other day than i'll post it aft i collage it into one.. we kinda anyhow take pics.. hehee.. good view.. can see aeroplane set off.. breezy bcos weather was good.. the food was nt bad too.. but disappointed with e strawberry cheesecake.. but overall experience is good.

dad sat by the pool enjoyin the view.. than when we saw mum joining him.. we concluded.. our future home wud be some condo with sea view.. hahahahaha.. happily deciving ourselves -_-"
well... this week past rather quick! went for costume fitting.. but didnt find any nice costumes.. went with him and he drove there... mmm... felt kinda uneasy. i dunno y tt kinda feeling when he's no sranger to me... heard the song which i like alot by Simply Red-Stars.. and i said tt song is nice, he likes tt song too!!! than i realised i shud have jus kept numb! ehmm.. dunno hw to describe the incident.. its just so weird at that time.
oh well didnt manage to go on leave :(
i wan be on leave for wednesday... please let it be possible..
i wish for all my wishes to come true! hahaha
hilarious wish!
♥ connie at 11:29 PM
Saturday, July 19, 2008
recently.... things been goin on and on without really knowing what is goin on.. too fast! cannot digest so many things that happens one after another.. felt angry.. fed up.. embarrassed.. but cannot confront.. only can act nthing happen.. thats the kinda attitude! been takin up challenges.. yeah.. "i dare you, you dare me".. very "FUN".
tdy headed down to sakae at ps for dinner... was given a nice corner seat but with the wrong person.. hahaha.. also.... the seat was those kinda jap style la.. had to forced and bend my knee cap.. actually it has recovered but somehow this few days back to old problem.. pain pain pain.
ytd.. had appraisal done.. hmm...i'm happy with it. :-)
on wed... fine dining by the poolside.. 5 course dinner.. which was too much to take in.. thou portion is jus nice..
appetizer we had foie gras with dunno wad other small little sides.. it was nice.. beetroot soup.. not my kinda taste.. gt the feelin that i'm having tomato puree..
2 main course..
chicken drumlet w some wheat flour thingy that taste like whipped potato..
salmon 70% cooked with soba noodle.. that was good! very refreshing taste..
lastly dessert.. banana w strawberry coated with some vanilla sauce sprinkle w icing sugar.. the icing sugar was partially burnt and everything taste superb! hehe i enjoyed the dessert most!
overall i'll conclude.. this week is pretty good!
mmm.. i can foresee a busy schedule for nxt week.. monday during lunch time will head to aliwa street to luk at costume with the committee.. tues i may wanna take leave.. HOPEFULLY i'll be able to do so.. wed maybe another meeting again... thur i maybe gifts collection.. fri if evrything is settle on thurs and tues i nv take leave than on fri i'll take leave to do wadever i wan and need to do! sat is jojo solemnisation at changi village hotel.. sun is my lazing cum depression day. a week fully planned. :-) hehehe.. let's see how it goes.
♥ connie at 10:59 PM
Sunday, July 13, 2008
think abt it...
its kinda silly.. yet it makes me flared up..
i just dunno wad is goin on.. humilated at times.. aarrgghh!
a lil confused..
♥ connie at 9:49 PM
Saturday, July 05, 2008
i spent on shopping tdy.... felt so guilty. bought a satin top for XX... and a bag for work at XXX bucks.... had eyed for tt bag pretty long liao.. this time around i GOT IT! haha.. initially the one i like has no new piece.. than the person showed me another similar one.. it looks much nicer.. its much more expensive!!! BUT since gt discount so BUY IT. seriously i spent alot this time.. even b4 the mid mth i had spend almost 3/4 of my income... gonna tighten my wallet.
ytd went for dinner at msq with my colleagues.. Pariss International Seafood Buffet Restaurant.. its no pork no lard.. suitable for all! nice selections... saw crocodile bak ku teh soup! -_-" dun even dare to touch it. haha.. everything was good. aft dinner its nice to have a walk to city hall.. at least we wont feel so guilty after all those sinful food..
d&d is coming up soon.. another huge event to be involve... but tis time its not as tedious as family day.. *phew* hope things are smooth sailing...
i can forsee monday gonna be a terrible day for me... cause on friday didnt do my daily work the whole day i'm faxing and faxing and faxing dunno how many hundreds of papers =( gonna CHIONG ar! will enjoy my weekend very very very well...beofore the start of a high peak week.
certain things have been going pretty well.. except for recent sudden comments.. got me puzzled. haix.. wadever.. everything will come to light soon.
♥ connie at 9:53 PM