Monday, October 27, 2008
hmmm... a sign of Dishearten.
have to stop guessing, but can't leh. its tough.
always say if it's meant to be than its meant to be and thats it.
BUT tis flickered mind doesn't works that way :(
SO tends to thinkn alot.
if didn't get to know what happened in e past, than won't be bothered abt it.
BUT many times saw and heard abt it.
SO how to be not bothered?
eh... just being very random. not wanting to elaborate on situations.
gonna work a way out. Exit from the back door.
its like 0149hrs n i still can't get to sleep. more likely my day is turning to nite and my nite is turning to day :(
feeling more and more energetic as time ticks away.
This very moment... Lousy.
♥ connie at 1:28 AM
Saturday, October 25, 2008
long weekend! but 1 day is gone jus like that :-)
alrite.. nthing much to blogged abt.. i'm not missing..
hmmm... i dunno wad i happening.. or i know wad is happening but i am doing nthing.
anyway next wk will b a short short week! *wooah!
♥ connie at 10:26 PM
Friday, October 17, 2008
woOohoo~ aint missing frm blogging... last week was s busy week end... kind 'sick' last week.. with the 2 days like tis and the rest of the days hype up.. okay smthing is wrong wif me.. last week at work was kinda alrite.. busy on n off.. angry on and off.. irritated on and off.. haha.. overall was stil fine. last fri dine out wif him.. met him at e carpark and shocked to see his colleagues there too.. *pengz* felt like turning invisible when i walked past them -_-" didn't stay out late.. cos its joanne's weddin e next day!!!
yeah excited.. so the very next day....
morning woke up at 6am... reached jo place at 7.30am..
playing with camera...

mummy auntie n bride

we didnt take pic wif e bride using our camera.. its all wif e photographer..
so pls make do wif e bitchiness of us.. hehehe.. gate crashing game was hilarious... the groom n brothers had to do pole dancing wif the song Low by Flo-Rida.. we ladies cannot take it.. hehe.. eating of e sweet(rock sugar+honey), sour(lemon+lime), bitter(TCM powder which is really bitter), spicy(wasabi) PUFFS!!.. groom has special treat of durian... they also sang a hokkien and dance to it.. super duper funny. went over to e grooms' place than brides place again b4 heading for church... had to hurry back to e hotel n freshen up for dinner..
our complimentary room.. pan pacific hotel...

had our hair done.. make up done.. dressed up and sit at reception table.. hehehe.. during e dinner.. we cousins snap snap snap away.. here it goes...
dajie n calista..

calista n me.. okay it doesnt luks like me.. face so fair..

our lil jnr cousins.. they r cute okay.. thou e eldest is 18 while e youngest is 6..

its obvious they have problem handling the twins..
gabriel and gerald..

cousins whom we seldom meet..

wif our niece..

after dinner...
i dunno wad is wrong wif us.. suddenly e wedding cake bcomes out bg.. hehehe
jolene w da jie...

jolene & me

zr n jolene..

photo w e newly wed & family..

its e 3 of us again!
hehe.. we conquered e day!

that was so much for last week... lukin fwd to er jie wedding in nov!!
tis week was pretty fine...
he popped out of no where wif a miffy soft toy! there!

it gt me kinda shocked.. yet i lol.. cannot stop laughin.. luckily no one wasn't ard.. hehe
on wed went for my colleague wedding dinner @ sheraton tower.. after work everyone went in their corp office wear.. super formal.. hehe.. he was invited too.. cos e groom is his boss.. yup, aft dinner he sent me home.. again he purposely took e wrong way!!! damn evil.. jus v unlucky...
had my "personal" photo shot.. and... it was like.. funny lor.. wear suit under e hot sun sweating n takin photo!!! i know i luk super buay song here.. but i jus cant smile when takin photo alone.. hahaha.. it will always luk weird!

there r even candid ones.. but too silly to post it.. pai seh mann..
alrite.. guess it will be sucha long long post for now... will update soon :-)
have an enjoyable weekend!
♥ connie at 11:20 PM
Friday, October 03, 2008
the weekend has come!
woOOhoo~ the days passed by very very fast!!
anyway... tues i met up with my sec sch frens!!! shiwei.. nanny.. hsien.. tuan.. fen... some other didnt manage to make it.. well.. its like 4yrs ltr than i meet up with some of them.. hehe.. so much to talk from 8 all the way til past 1am!!! crapped and joked over for straight 5 hrs!! hope to catch up wif them soon again :)
dresses dresses dresses.. various dresses in my head! turquoise... maroon/purple.. black/lilac.. deep blue.. dunno which n wad to get. prices range from 140++ to 399.. hehe.. its better come to a conclusion by end of oct!
okay tmr will be a busy day.
*sometimes things happens naturally.. yet sometimes suspiciously.. we're paraniod... always*
♥ connie at 10:17 PM