Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas everyone! Thou xmas eve was a rather wet-day with e constant drizzle. It doesnt dampered most pple mood for e countdown :)
mine was rather normal.. nothing.. celebration.. dinner.. and gt home b4 12! hehe.. anyway.. ytd reward myself by gettin Samsung OMNIA 8GB! happy yet frustrated.. cos i've yet to explore e functions.. i ensure i get to sms n make phone calls 1st.. hehe.. so much abt my xmas :)
hmmm.. nthing much to update.. it's calm.. it's fine.
tmr be meetin up wif my poly frenz.. yeah been really long since i last met them.
okie..will update soon again.. with pohotos! yess er jie wedding photos..
advance great weekend to alL!
♥ connie at 10:41 PM
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Luther Vandross & Mariah Carey - Endless Love
So in love with this song...
-Endless Love-
My love,
Theres only you in my life
The only thing thats bright
My first love,
Youre every breath that I take
Youre every step I make
And i
I want to share
All my love with you
No one else will do...
And your eyes
Your eyes, your eyes
They tell me how much you care
Ooh yes, you will always be
My endless love
Two hearts,
Two hearts that beat as one
Our lives have just begun
Ill hold you close in my arms
I cant resist your charms
And love
Oh, love
Ill be a fool
For you,
Im sure
You know I dont mind
Oh, you know I dont mind
cause you,
You mean the world to me
I know
I know
Ive found in you
My endless love
Boom, boom
Boom, boom, boom, boom, booom
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom
Oooh, and love
Oh, love
Ill be that fool
For you,
Im sure
You know I dont mind
Oh you know-
I dont mind
And, yes
Youll be the only one
cause no one can deny
This love I have inside
And Ill give it all to you
My love
My love, my love
My endless love
♥ connie at 12:12 AM
Saturday, December 13, 2008
another short short week for me.. oh well.. i've really been clearing leave every week!!! this wk took wed/thur 1.5... went for my preview shoppin... there r so many things i wan to buy!!! so see see touch touch the items lo... reluctantly leave the items back to shelf.. haiz.. i've set my eyes on samsung omnia.. vaio cr353g pure white.. but cost wise.. high risk!!!
i took my dress for replacement of zip..and they do it for free!!! one time only.. and i am so so so happy!! hehe.. and yess finally i've renewed my passport! haha.. no intention to travel leh..
met up wif his aft work too.. spent e rest of our day combing town.. and eventually settled down for tcc... while he was drivin... he told me he had smthing for me n asked me not to laugh.. hw can i not laugh.. this is the thing...
luks kinda distorted cos it was crushed in my bag..
1st was miffy.. 2nd came melody.. i'll freak out if a 3rd thing appears..
he's unpredictable.
tmr i'm having a Princess Birthday party! hehe.. its my niece mayvis bday!
we being her happening aunt tot of dressin up.. buy tiara.. magic wand.. white dress.. since all of us own it.. lets see if we r tt crazy tmr..
ok ok..
have a good good weekend peeps!
♥ connie at 12:00 AM
Thursday, December 11, 2008
haiz... back to work tmr :(
well at least only for a day.. hehe..
will update again tmr... hmm.. hope so..
♥ connie at 10:25 PM
Monday, December 08, 2008
i just want to blog...
aarrgghh! hate it.
♥ connie at 10:32 PM
Saturday, December 06, 2008
alrite.. been on 2 days leave and ytd went back to work for half day!!!! cos in the afternoon went to furama city centre for some briefing on employment act... quickly finished up my stuffs for my tuesday new hires b4 walkin over to furama... next wk gonna be on 1.5days leave again :) well clearing leave... so its kinda holiday mood for this and nxt week.. hehe..
well.. was informed that our dept will have a combine celebration tis yr... hmmm... its like in conjunction w his belated bday celebration.. stressful one again... let's see how things goes on that day. dun think too much abt it.
jus finished watching Enchanted on star movie.. yess its shown like so long ago and now i'm watchin again.. its nice.. i likes fairy tale.. hehe.. didnt do much stuffs tdy.. went tpy.. and i saw my pri/sec sch friend!!! hmmm.. wanted to have a short chat wif her.. but she jus waved to me and go off liao... i seldom bumped into fren.. so i felt rather fortunate.. hidden agenda here. anyway so much about my tdy..
oh well he's out of town.. so its like.. no one bothers me.. not exactly bother but no nonsense frm hm until next wk... cant help smiling when i think about it. ya ya its sounds kinda sick... BUT you'll never understand that kinda feeling.. hehe..
mmm.. xmas is coming.. time for shopping gifts for colleagues.. but i dunno wad to get.. anyway nxt wk half day leave go for some lil'shoppin preview 1st.. oso time to decide wad xmas gift i wanna get for myself!!!
yes.. i wanted to get some new gadget.. but dunno which one to come 1st.. here they are..
- Sony VAIO CR-VGN-CR353 in Pure White? Blazing Red? Premium Gold?
- Sony camera DSC-T300 in Red?
- Mobile phone... yet to decide on which model.. recent samsung ones luks good.. gonna check it out nxt wk too.. hehe
this last one is not for myself... for my humble family!!
- TV!!! okay this sounds crazy but its time for a new one.. hehe...
i just dunno which and wad to get.. ltr end up i get nthing.. nOOO!! that cannot happen!!!!! sometimes back i planned on the lappy & camera but didnt happen.. cos i gt my ds lite!! so now.. time to plan which one leh??? i guess i am overly tempted with gadgets!!! okay all these will be previewed nxt tue/wed :)
seems like nxt tue aft work i'm overly packed!!! but well wed on leave can shop n stay out late til i happy :)
okay.. so much of whinning, complaining... blah blah blah...
have fun! enjoy e long weekend.. monday blues doesnt kicks in!
♥ connie at 11:09 PM
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Angel in the Night
I wasn't dreaming
never felt like this before
you're my lover
wanna love you more
here I am baby
hoping you're by my side
you're my angel in the night
it's been so long
I've been trying to say
and it seems you keep on walking away
oh girl cant u see u mean so much to me
and I just cant hide
this feeling anymore
this feeling anymore
but can I tell you that I love you
can I tell you that I need you
for awhile you're here
and the moment you're gone
leaving just the teardrops in my eyes
you're my angel in the night
I need to hold you
never wanna let you go
cos if you love me baby pls don't go
here I am baby hoping you're by my side
here I am baby hoping you're by my side
you're my angel in the nightalright, the above song is really meaningful. saw the video for tt nite and seriously i dunnno what to say. its like.. everything is in that song.. its so true on what had happened..
On your speaker louder.. wait for the song to buffer.. enjoy it.
♥ connie at 10:56 PM
Monday, December 01, 2008
jus being random again...
its all abt him. he got me having deep thots for sometimes.. not much or no one knows who is him except a hand full?
well...past nite again another silly confession.. it gt me choking.. brain freezed.. heart stopped beatin for few sec.. its just so out of the blue... thou shud clarify but still nthing comes out from me.. i'm lousy at it when it comes to serious biz :( yet we can act as thou nthing when we r out... okay felt like there r lots of holes in the head.. missing part here n there.. which overall causing super serious problems.
have to admit he's nice... some lil things he does is really swt.. much to elaborate... initially i didnt care much w wadever i comment/feedback i said to him... after sometimes i realised wadever i say he takes it seriously!!! so it gt me rather careful w my words.. dun wan to cause any harm. once i casually said something he exclaimed NO! ok i was shocked by his reaction.. many times many ocassions.. he always say NO for many lousy reasons.
last mth.. almost every week we met aft work while he has to wait for at least an hr before i end work... it bcomes a habit tat kicks in.. even when i'm on leave.. it always falls on his rest day... so... many people tot that it was on purpose.. no point explaining too. it will jus get matter more complicated... tat is not healthy at all. yes yes i can say all these but i am unable to do anything to rectify it..
sometimes... my conversation has lots of hidden meaning i wonder if he gets it or not... i doubt he gets e msg across.. yet i doubt he cant be so silly straight. always felt like questioning on that... i tends to think alot lar.. so wadever kept numb i might guess it right too. sometimes i wonder if his remarks has hidden meaning too.... i dare not guess much on tt as i'll get much much doubtful than before.
i observe... but seldom expressive on surface yet beneath it is complicated. i don't want to hurt anyone neither i want to be hurt too.. yes afraid of making mistakes.. butter brain on these. it melts easily.. everything slips off when triggered wrongly... and also due to 1 reason... i'm uncertain abt it too. its a 360 Degree change to almost everything.
stay put? stay out? step in?
let nature takes its flow... its flowing too naturally.... too natural till it got me confused. wads more can i say...
Where are we heading to?
♥ connie at 10:37 PM