Sunday, December 20, 2009
Wow, its almost 2 weeks since the last post.
Was pretty busy with work and work and work. Don't know why never ending. But it has come to a slow down period after the month end. :)
Last Friday he sneaked out for hair cut and we went for seafood at East Coast! That's because he felt much much better than before! Only 2 of us, so didn't order much. The sea breeze was so good and cooling! On Saturday met up with my poly friends! The usual group whom we get together since poly das. At Esplanade, we're allowed to write our wishes and hang it up. Was told by the person that they're collecting people wishes. I only had a simple wish for now. Ah Khoo and I wrote the same wish!!! Awwe, great mind thinks alike. Hahaha *puke*
Great to catch up and yak yak yak away.
Ytd took a half day leave and brought my laptop for servicing. Hopefully I can get it back before Christmas. Luckily I had my desktop as a backup or else I'll be bored to death. Hehe.. Can use phone to surf net and msn chat, but not so convenient. Signed up an unlimited broadband moble data plan at approx 14 bucks per month. Can surf and surf anywhere anytime (including office hour) hehehe..
It was so coincident that his laptop monitor is spoilt too. He went Sim Lim waited an hour while immediate servicing was being provided. After we're done with our laptop issues, finally saw the movie Twilight-New Moon at Cineleisure. I've been longing to watch that movie!!! Yeah! =) Headed to One Fullerton as Orchard was so packed with shoppers!!! Oh yeah my next shopping mall to check out will be the 313@ Somerset. At One Fullerton, again nice weather.. But was forced to sit by the scary steps near the merlion!! Scaryy!!! But still enjoying it. =) Time just flies when we're together and it crawls when we're not. I just wish time always crawls when we're together! Haha.
Well well, a short short week at work is coming up for the next 2 weeks. :)
Enjoy enjoy!
♥ connie at 12:02 AM
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Oh my god. It's just 3 weeks more before year 2009 ends. See how the year flies by!!! Everything just happens and pass by so fast.
Had a rather hectic work life style now. Just no idea why. There's always the nitty gritty things that happens in between work and it seems like I don't know what I am doing. :( But well, seems like calendar is packed for this month. Got to be steady and fast with my work already. Got to jia you jia you jia you!!! Chiong arh! Recently seems more stress than usual. Haha. haiz.
Oh well, my year end trip to bintan is busted. Because the poor boy needs to have lots of rest. Well, got to leave it till next Mar-Apr period, when the weather is better.
He had been on MC for the past 2 weeks. 1 more week and he'll be back to work. But he seems to be on MC for such a long period already. Well, we're planning to meet up for the coming weekend provided he feels perfectly fine.

Hmmm... I think that should be all to blog about for the time being. Seems like I do not know what else to post. Take care all! And have a great week ahead!
♥ connie at 9:29 PM