Wednesday, April 28, 2010
I felt so drained.
To the extent of, sick and tired physically & mentally.
Haiz. :'(
♥ connie at 10:37 PM
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Today flew back from KL for recrutiment drive! Depart Singapore on Thursday, fair on Friday and arrived today! Yeah very happy to be back home. Well, I would say that few days was an experience and a mini getaway lah... haha..
I enjoyed friday night, as we are done with our mission! :-) went klcc for nice dinner. Its some roadside seafood zi-char stall... Didn't took much pictures due to the delicious food! Hehe.. we had satay, chicken wings, vegetables, bbq stingray, la-la, oyster omelette!!! I know it's not so clean when the vehicles are moving behind us and we are sat along the road. But whatever, as long as the food is delicious! It was indeed delicious!!! Can't stop eating. Hahaha.. Ended our night at 1am.
We stayed at sunway hotel.. and i feel that the area is pretty safe, many outlets are 24 hours! Even their KFC are 24 hours too!! Oh well, simple room decor just for us to sleep and keep out luggage. :-) I like the breakfast, wide spread of food while my favourite are the sunny side up, pancake and pastries!!! Simple fare but YUMMY!!! Their pastries are baked right behind the buffet counter for replenishment.
And one more thing, when was the last time you had A&W???? I was so happy to know that the shopping mall connected to our hotel has A&W!! Root Beer float, waffles ice cream comes to my mind. Hehe.. fOOD-filling trip.
I dare not think about work, because I know it will be hectic! But well, thursday and friday I will be on leave again. YEAH! :-)
Hehe.. so much for now, update soon!
♥ connie at 12:42 AM
Friday, April 16, 2010
Phew... it was long since my last post.
I got a new camera.. my ds lite sd card corrupted.. work is so routine.. seek no challenges already.. relationship is still fine.. except for sometimes screwed! i just feel so empty with what i am posting now. ARGH! overall i'm don't find the kick in handling the current load. its just so mundane! Not sure how to continue... I'm trying hard to hang on for 2 more mths!!!
well.. wadever about that... let me introduce my new camera! its samsung sT 550! black with red trimings... touch-screen.. It has front screen too!! can self shot at ease... hehe... love it so much. last minute got it at audio house sales in suntec city! wOohOo... tried taking my first photo...

Tigger & Grumpy!!! YEah.. I bought it long ago... Hahaha... got tigger just to challenge him to display in e car... and i got grumpy when he was hospitalised! exactly how grumpy I was. Haha.
and another shot...
Oh i love my camera!!!! :-)
I wish I have an enjoyable and good weekend! *pray*
♥ connie at 11:35 PM