Sunday, September 05, 2010
So far so good...
Some back dated stuffs...
Meet Xueli for dinner at TCC sometimes back in mid- aug...
It was a food filled dinner.. Salad... main course each and cheesecake!
Few days back met up with the ladies and 'sister'!!!

it was dinner at emc than loitering at clarke quay... great to catch up hope to meet up again, soon! :-D
Friday was on leave... met my date to orchard. :)
did not manage to catch any movie as we are busy at our telco for our mobile.. yeah! got a galaxy S! he got a hair cut... and headed to orchard central to the roof garden..
Headed to his home and get his car to our favourite dining place.. bedok corner!
the wide choices of food that makes you cant make up your mind.. hehe... after dinner was to our new hideout as our usual hideout at kallang is closed :( the place will be revamped with more facilities. Well lots of plans in our hand after hari raya pusa and my biz trip this month end. :)
So looking forwad after my biz trip :D
That's all for now.. Update soon!
♥ connie at 12:22 AM